Tuesday 28 February 2017

Who is controlling whom ?

A nice story of Adi Shankaracharya teaching his students how to empty and free their mind:

"Adi Sankara was walking through the market place with his disciples.

They saw a man dragging a cow by a rope.

Sankara told the man to wait and asked his disciples to surround them.

“I am going to teach you something” and continued...

“Tell me who is bound to whom? Is the cow bound to this man or the man is bound to the cow?"

The disciples said without hesitation “Of course the cow is bound to the man!. The man is the master. He is holding the rope. The cow has to follow him wherever he goes. The man is the master and the cow is the slave.”

“Now watch this”, said Sankara and took a pair of scissors from his bag and cut the rope.

The cow ran away from the master and the man ran after his cow. “Look, what is happening”, said Sankara

“Do you see who the Master is? The cow is not at all interested in this man. The cow in fact, is trying to escape from this man.

This is the case with our MIND.

Like the cow, all the non-sense that we carry inside is not interested in us. WE ARE INTERESTED IN IT, we are keeping it together somehow or the other. We are going crazy trying to keep it all together under our control.

The moment we lose interest in all the garbage filled in our head, and the moment we understand the futility of it, it will start to disappear. Like the cow, it will escape and disappear.”

Feeling Free and Relaxed is a Choice

Make a right choice at right time

Friday 24 February 2017


A must read:

Little Aditya, was in tears. He is an 8 year old boy. His Mom was shouting at him, as he has not completed his math homework, even after an hour. Aditya's parents are Ruchi, and Rishi. Both are working in MNC's. Ruchi took a career break of 5 years, to take care of Aditya. Now, she had joined her office again from a junior level, whereas all her friends have moved to the senior level.

When Rishi, entered the home, Aditya was in tears, Ruchi was shouting at him. “What is 8 * 6, Adi, come on, I taught you tables twice yesterday, still you are unable to remember. What am I supposed to do? You remember all cartoon stories, but not one simple tables”.

Aditya tried to remember a lot, he couldn't remember anything, and he thought it may be 48, but he was scared to tell his mom, what if it is wrong, she will get upset. He thought to himself, “Mom, I will Improve”.

He didn’t know how. He wanted to, he wanted to see his mother happy.
When, he was in the younger classes, He used to win, many prizes in different competitions. He and his mother were very happy. As he grew up, suddenly he felt he was pushed in a complex world, he couldn't grasp many things, and his fellow students could do.

He went to meet doctors and counselors, his mother thought he was sick. He was not sure whether he was sick or not. May be he has a poor memory like his mom and teachers say. He was not able to make a decision. Tonight, his father has come early from the office.

He was happy. He will rescue him.
Soon as his father, freshened up, he gave a hug to Aditya. To Aadi’s relief, he said with a huge smile, “Go and play”. He was happy, but he looked at his mother with wide eyes, and said slowly,” Dad, I didn’t complete my homework!” His father, replied, “I will do it, don’t worry.” Aadi, again gave a bear hug and ran outside to play with his friends. Ruchi was upset. She retorted angrily,”Will you go and write his exams too?”

After Aditya left, Rishi, hugged Ruchi, “Why are you so tensed dear. He will pick up, don't worry”. Ruchi was upset,” Do you think you love him more than, me, what is the point you want to prove? You never attend the Parent Teachers Meeting, I have to listen from teachers, and I need to face the other parents. You just don't need to face anything”.

Rishi kept quiet, “Ruchi, do you think, by shouting at him, things would improve. You thought, he may have some learning disabilities, but the psychologist proved there is nothing like that. All children are not same”.Ruchi replied back, “

But I am spending so much time with him. I am always teaching him, each and everything, still what do you expect me to do?”
Rishi, smiled and said,” I expect you, not to expect anything from him. Don’t expect him to learn things faster, don’t expect him to be like you.”

Ruchi retorted back angrily,” I am not expecting him to get first prize in everything like me, but at least he shouldn’t be so dull. Now he is 3 rd std and he is not sure about 5*5=25, how his life will be. All his friends, will reach a good position in life, what his life will become? I am so scared. Rishi, I put in so much hardwork on him, still why he is not getting marks?”
Rishi kept quiet. Ruchi, always wanted the best. She was always best in whatever she did, the fact she didn't understand is Aadi is the best child. He is very friendly with everyone, always tries to help others.

He was hoping, Ruchi will find her answer soon.
After few days,his paternal aunt, Durga Bua, came to visit them. Her son has settled in US. She occasionally visits India,to visit her relatives.

After many years, she has come to visit them. Ruchi loves Durga Bua, everyone loves her for her soft words and naïve nature. She was playing with Aadi and commented to Ruchi, “Aadi is a very good boy”. For which Ruchi, replied in a dull voice.” Hmmmm”.she sensed something wrong, but didn’t ask anything.
After Aadi left, she asked, “what happened Ruchi?”.

Ruchi shared her worries with her aunt. She listened everything carefully. She went to the small garden which Ruchi maintains in her balcony, and said,” I observe you have a beautiful garden. How do you maintain them? Ruchi replied happily,” I take personal care,bua”.

Her aunt said, “Why is this aloe Vera plant, shorter than others, is it a new plant, or you are not watering them properly?” Ruchi whispered, “No, aunt, I have planted it a year back. I take care of them properly, few plants grow faster and few takes time”.

Then, aunt asked, “What do you do then? Do you tell the shorter plant, daily, grow up, look at the other plants, otherwise your life would be of no use or you nurture them slowly that it takes time in growing and you still love them”.
Ruchi felt something snap in her. She looked at her aunt, with tears in her eyes.
Durga Bua, said,” There are 7 types of learning skills for a child, few learn by looking, few by hearing, few by explaining, few understand things by doing activities, and few learn by practically doing the same things again and again.

A mother or teacher should try to teach a child, all the 7 methods, and then understand the child’s best learning language and teach accordingly. You can’t think. Your child is dull. Each and every child is unique and special.

Can’t you see Aadi is trying everything to make you happy? He loves you so much. If you nurture him now, it is good for both of you. If he accepts, he is dull and turns to be a loser, what will you do?”

Ruchi shuddered by the thought,” Understand your child and help him to understand things. I know you are very busy and Rishi doesn’t help you.

Still I am sure, once you are clear and support, Aadi, Rishi will try his level best to help you. Just try. It is always too soon to quit with your child.”

*De-briefing of this story*

Accept the fact that even though they are your children, they just share 50% of your DNA. So they are 50% different than you.

Nature them as they are and not as you want. Being a good parent  is not just about producing result but producing result as per your child's  strength.

Who is your fallback?

Who is your fallback!
People help you the way they know to help you. To help you to come out of stress, one friend will ask you to drink and another will ask you to meditate. To overcome hurt, one friend will ask you to take revenge and get even, and another will ask you to forgive and get ahead with your life. ‘Who is your fallback’ makes all the difference.

Duryodhana’s predicament, in his own words, was, “I know what is right but I am not able to indulge in it. I know what is wrong but I am not able to avoid it.” He needed a fallback. His fallback was his uncle Shakuni, and resultantly, Duryodhana moved from bad to worse.

Arjuna’s predicament was different. He was allowing his personal emotions to dominate his sense of duty, and hence wanted to escape from the responsibilities he had towards upholding righteousness. He needed a fallback. His fallback was Krishna, and resultantly, Arjuna was restored to his greatness.

Humans we are, at some point or the other, we all need a fallback. ‘Who is your fallback’ makes all the difference.

Sunday 19 February 2017


A Poor Couple lived in a Small Village in India.

They had only 1 Son.

They gave him the Best Education.

Son Graduated as an Engineer in the nearby City

Eventually He got Married to a Rich Girl.

Initially, They Lived with His Parents in the Village.

Soon the Wife got Tired of Village Life & Persuaded Her Husband to Move to the City Leaving His Old Parents in the Village.

As Time went,the Husband saw an Ad in the Newspaper about a
Job Vacancy in U.S

He was Successful & Lived in U.S for 20 Years with His Wife.

Regularly, He used to Send Money to His Parents

Eventually with Time, He Stopped & Forgot about His Parents whether
They ever Existed.

Every Day He Pray & Immediately after each Prayer He used to see Someone telling Him
in a Dream that his Prayer is not Accepted.

One Day, He Related this Story to a 'Pious Aalim' who Advised Him to go Back to India to Visit His Parents.

The Man Flew to India & Reached the Boundary of His Village.

Everything was Changed over there.

He could not Find His House.

So He asked to the Head of the Village about the Whereabouts of His Parents.

The Head of the Village directed Him to a House & said: "In this House, Lives an Old Blind Lady who Lost Her Husband a Few Months Ago. She has a Son who Migrated to
US 20 Years back & Never came Back again. What an Unfortunate Man."

Son enters that Home &
Finds His Mother on the Bed.

He Tip-Toed as He did not want to Wake Her up.

He hears His Mother Whispering or Mumbling Something.

He gets Closer to Hear His Mothers Voice.

This is what His Mother was Saying: "God !
I am now Very Old & Blind.
My Husband just Died.
There is no One to Lower Me in My Grave when I Die. So please Send My Son to Fullfill
My Last Wish".

This is the Ending of a Story where the Prayer of a Mother is Accepted.

A Human Body can Bear only 45 Del (units) of Pain.

But at the Time of Giving Birth, A Mother feels upto 57 Del (units) of Pain.

This is similar to 20 Bones
getting Fractured, all at the Same Time.

This is just to tell U the extent, to which a Mother Loves Her Child.

So, Love Ur Mom till the End of Ur Life.

The Lady with whom U Fight almost Everyday, Suffered so much Pain
just to give U a Beautiful Life.

Thursday 2 February 2017


A young girl and her father were walking along a forest path.
At some point, they came across a large tree branch on the ground in front of them.

The girl asked her father, “If I try, do you think I could move that branch?”
Her father replied, “I am sure you can, if you use all your strength.”

The girl tried her best to lift or push the branch, but she was not strong enough and she couldn't move it.

She said, with disappointment, “You were wrong, dad. I can't move it.”

“Try again with all your strength,” replied her father.

Again, the girl tried hard to push the branch. She struggled but it did not move.

“Dad, I cannot do it,” said the girl.

Finally her father said, “Young lady, I advised you to use 'all your strength'. You didn’t ask for my help.

Our real strength lies not in independence, but in interdependence.

No individual person has all the strengths, all the resources and all the stamina required for the complete blossoming of their vision.

To ask for help and support when we need it is not a sign of weakness, it is a sign of wisdom.

Train or Bogey. ...

Nearby, a building construction work was going on.

Lots of poor  labourers were working there and their small  children used to hold onto one another's shirt and play "train-train".

Someone would become the engine and others would become bogies

Every day these children used to take turns becoming the engine and bogies ...

But there was  one small boy wearing only a half pant who used to hold one small green cloth in his hand and become the guard daily.

So  once I went to him and asked him .."beta, don't u also wish to become an engine or a bogie some time ?

He softly replied .." Sir , I don't have a shirt to wear so how will the other children catch me to make the train?

I could see the slight wetness in his eyes..

But  It gave me a lesson.... he could have cried and sat at home and abused his parents for not affording to buy  him a shirt.

But instead he chose another way to play and enjoy himself..

In life, we don't get all things we desire and we keep complaining ..

I dont have a bike,  I don't have car , I don't have this or that etc...

Life is like that ....we need to make it beautiful  and be grateful for what we have.