Friday 19 January 2018

10 Short Stories - 2

1) She was very excited
     today, after all the
     school was re-opening
     after a long summer
     break. Now, once
     again, she could start
     selling stationery at
     the traffic signal to
     feed her family.

2) She, a renowned artist
     and a strict mother,
     often scolded her 6-
     year-old son for he
     could never draw a
     line straight. As he
     breathed slowly into   
     the ventilator, she
     begged him to make
     one more crooked line
     on the ECG.

3) "Everyone goes with
      the flow… but the one 
     who goes against it
     becomes someone
     remarkable.” Before I
     could explain this to
     the traffic police, the
     man issued me a fine.

4) Their love was
     different. She was
     happy every time he
     kicked her in the
     stomach. Every time
     he kicked she loved
     him more. She waited
     for the time she would
     hold her baby for the
     first time.

5) All my toys are yours..!
     Read her brother’s   
     death note.

6) They took his father,
     and only returned a

7) At 25, I became a
     mother of one; at 27 I
     became a mother of
     two; and today, at 55, I
     have become a
     mother of three!  My
     son got married today,
     and brought home his

8) “Born to rich parents,
      this boy is so lucky,”
      exclaimed the
      Somewhere in
      heaven, three unborn
      sisters cried.

9) “You ruined my career,
      I was supposed to be
      an Executive Director,”
      she thought to
      herself.  The little
      angel held her finger
      tightly and she forgot
      everything; A mother
      was born.

10) Once a 5-year-old boy
       was standing
       barefoot in the
       shallow water of the
       ocean. He was
       repeating the same
       sentence to the
       waves – “Even if you
       touch my feet a
       thousand times, I
       won’t forgive you for
       taking my parents   

Friday 12 January 2018

Don't Assume

A girl by name Deepa went to school in the neighbouring village where she wasn't known well.

For three weeks, she came to school late and every time the teacher punished her.

On the fourth week, Deepa didn't attend school at all and many thought she had GIVEN UP on school due to the everyday punishment.

However, Deepa reported again on fifth week and this time she came earlier than everybody.

When the teacher came to class, Deepa was punished for not attending school the previous week but the teacher was also kind enough to commend her for coming early that day, stating that the punishments had finally yielded some results.

Just then, Deepa  asked if she could say something and the teacher gave her permission.

She started :

"I've been raised up by a single mother without a brother or a sister. Five weeks ago, my mother fell ill and was hospitalized. The three weeks I came late, I had to prepare something for her every morning and pass by the hospital to deliver the same. Unfortunately, my mother passed away last week and that's the reason I didn't come to school. We buried her last Friday. Today I came early since I didn't have to prepare anything or even pass by the hospital. And now that she is gone, I will always be here early.

As she sat down, no one in the whole class was able to hold their tears, the teacher was not spared either.


How many times do *we judge others* for things we know not ?

We ask questions like :

- *Why you are not getting married*?
- _*Why you are not having kids*_ ?
- *When will you find a job* ?
- _*When will you buy a car*_?
- *When will you build a house*?

Do we attempt to understand their situations or we just judge from the case scenarios

Some situations are not relative and what we think could be very far from the truth.

Don't assume you know what others go through or that people move in the same pace or direction as you.

Life is far from that.

Just be kind enough to love one another as God  has commanded, take time and kindly find out why your friend is not phoning, why your messages are not being replied promptly, why someone is missing in our midst as a colleague, friend, brother or sister even why someone is always late.

Be kind, always...... Be nice to others

Sunday 7 January 2018


The proprietor of a coffee shop had been busy all day. Being Saturday, it was very crowded and the customers were just unending. He had been on his toes since morning.

Towards the evening he felt a splitting headache surfacing. As the clock ticked away, his headache worsened. Unable to bear it, he stepped out of the shop leaving his staff to look after the sales.

He walked across the street to the Chemist, to buy himself a painkiller to relieve his headache. He swallowed the pill and felt relieved. He knew that in a few minutes he would feel better.
As he strolled out of the shop, he casually asked the salesgirl, "Where is Mr Sharma (the Chemist)? He's not at the cash counter today!" The girl replied, "Sir, Mr Sharma had a splitting headache and said he was going across to the coffee shop. He said a cup of hot coffee would relieve him of his headache."
The man's mouth went dry and he mumbled, "Oh! I see."

This is a typical case of looking outside ourselves for something that we have within us. How strange but true! The chemist relieves his headache by drinking coffee and the coffee shop owner finds relief in a pain relieving pill!

A man hunts across the lengths and breadths of the universe to find peace. Eventually he finds it in his heart and realizes that peace is really a state of mind.

Monday 1 January 2018


When I started using pen in my primary school, and I made a mistake, I would try hard to erase it before submitting to my teacher. Sometimes, I use chalk to clean my mistake but it later re-appeared. So I began to use saliva, it worked, but only to leave holes in my books. My teachers then used to beat me for being outrageously dirty. But all I tried to do was to cover my error.
One day, a kind hearted teacher who loved me so much called me aside and he said, " Anytime you make a mistake, just cross it and move on" . He said further " Trying to erase your mistakes would only damage your book to nothing. I told him in protest that I don't want people to see my mistake. My loving teacher laughed and said " Trying to erase your mistake will make more people know about your mess and the stigma is for life".
Have you made some mistakes in life? Cross it over and move on. Don't expose yourself as a result of trying to cover your mistakes.
Better things are ahead of you.