Monday 28 May 2018

Are you hungry ???????

Here is a buffet spread-you can eat some or eat nothing-it depends on how hungry you are.

👉 *Starters: (pick any 2)*

1.  Get up early (you can accomplish 20% more during 5 am to 8 am)
2.   Exercise at least for 30 minutes  daily (you have no choice on this)
3. Meditate /pray/ visualize positive things/do yoga for 30 minutes every day.

👉 *Main course (pick any 4)*

1)  Invest in best clothes you can afford-along with good shoes (It has been proved, that better dressed people appeal 15 % more-all things being equal)
2)  Outsource everything, which is not your core competence.
3)  Reduce your mobile time by 30 % (Mobile phones are the biggest time waster)
4) At least take one bold decision, which you were always scared to take. (No one want to die with regrets- do you?)
5)  Train your brain to think creatively every day. Try to do different things to exercise your brain muscles- play some sport,  go to new restaurants, visit zoo, listen to different music, watch kids playing, spend time with senior citizens.

👉 *Desserts (pick all)*

1.   Take atleast 2 vacations in a year.
2.    Devote atleast one day a week for family n friends.
3.     Learn a new hobby.
4.    Smile at all possible times.
5.     Watch one movie in a cinema hall/ play in auditorium every month (it is therapy for the soul)
6.    Read at least 12 books in a year. ( 1 every month )
7.  Start picking n completing things undone. Discard unwanted & unused stuff from my house and your mind.
8.    Get in touch with one old friend whom you have not spoken for years.
9.   Laugh often.

👍 Be ur best version...

Thursday 17 May 2018

Are you all happy 😂

Are you all happy?
You have no choice.
I have something to tell you.

How many of you buy rotten fruits and vegetables at home?
No one.
How many of you intake expiry date eatables?
No one.
Everyone eats fresh, pure fruits and vegetables. If it's good, you buy it else you leave it.
Same is with life. If people criticize you, listen to them. If it is good, take it. If it is not good for you, just leave it or ignore. You should not lose the equanimity, stability in you. Keep your heart soft, intellect sharp and mind pleasant. Be with it. Give me all your worries.
It is useless worrying about somebody, worrying about your job, or worrying about this and that. By worrying you are not going to get anything. Move ahead with the confidence that I will get what I want in my life. Challenges come in everyone’s life, but just move on and see, everything will fall into place.

Self Sacrifice

A long long time ago, my husband, our two sons and I had gone out for an ice-cream treat. It was sometime when I was always thinking of curbing unnecessary expenditure.

As a selfless person, who was too much in love with her family to deny them of any pleasure, I always chose to sacrifice my own excesses. And it didn’t even feel like a sacrifice ever, because I was a woman of very few needs/ wants/ desires...
So, when my husband asked each one of us to choose our favorite flavor of ice-cream, I responded as usual, “I won’t have any.”

The boys enjoyed one round and ordered another; my response remained the same, “I don’t want any.”

I was happy in my family’s happiness. I was happy that my not indulging in  pleasure was perhaps ensuring some more goodies in the future for my dear ones. .

But my husband looked at me and said, “Please don’t do this to yourself and to us. I want a happy wife; not a sacrificial lamb. I have seen that too much sacrifice eventually leads to bitterness and victim-mentality. And I sure as hell do not want you to develop that.
You see, after a period of time, the boys and I will stop asking you for your choice, because we will assume that you don’t want it; we will take you for granted and subconsciously start treating you as a doormat... It will then hurt you.. and you will feel miserable and unimportant. You will think that we don’t care about you.
While in truth we would be behaving naturally, knowing from experience that you don’t care for yourself.. That your wishes are not important... .

So, I suggest that you always take your share and then if you really don’t like it, share it with someone who does. That will be good for all of us. You will learn how to claim your importance in your own and our eyes and we will always ask you. There will be happiness all around.”

His talk made sense to me and I couldn’t help but think about many older women who always complained, “I did so much for so and so but today they don’t even think/ care for me.”

I also remembered many instances where children would turn back and say, “But why did you do so much? Did we ask you for it? You did it because it made you happy. Who asked you to be so self-sacrificing?”

This train of thought made me take a re-look at the word 'self-less', equating it with self-sacrifice. That day the meaning of these words opened  up for me!

Self-sacrifice ......... is not the balanced way!!!

Wednesday 9 May 2018

Are you all happy?

Are you all happy?
You have no choice.
I have something to tell you.

How many of you buy rotten fruits and vegetables at home?
No one.
How many of you intake expiry date eatables?
No one.

Everyone eats fresh, pure fruits and vegetables. If it's good, you buy it else you leave it.

Same is with life. If people criticize you, listen to them. If it is good, take it. If it is not good for you, just leave it or ignore. You should not lose the equanimity, stability in you. Keep your heart soft, intellect sharp and mind pleasant. Be with it. Give me all your worries.

It is useless worrying about somebody, worrying about your job, or worrying about this and that. By worrying you are not going to get anything. Move ahead with the confidence that I will get what I want in my life. Challenges come in everyone’s life, but just move on and see, everything will fall into place.

Invisible Labels

A car ahead was moving like a turtle and not giving me way inspite of my continuous honking! I was on brink of losing my cool when I noticed the small sticker on the car’s rear!

“Physically challenged; Please be patient.”

And that changed everything!! I immediately went calm & slowed down!! In fact I got a little protective of the car & the driver!!! I reached work a few minutes late, but it was ok!

And then it struck me.  Would I have been patient if there was no sticker!???! Why do we need stickers to be patient with people!??

Will we be more patient & kind with others if people had labels pasted on their foreheads??
Labels like ——
“ Lost my job” , “Fighting cancer”, “Going through a bad divorce” , “ Suffering Emotional abuse “ , "Lost a loved one”, “Feeling worthless” , “ Financially broken”..... and more like these!!!!

Everyone is fighting a battle we know nothing about. The least we can do is be patient & kind!!!

Let us respect the invisible labels!!!!

Saturday 5 May 2018


A snake penetrated into a carpentry workshop.  As it slipped, it passed over a saw and got slightly wounded. Suddenly, it turned and bit the saw, and biting the saw, the snake seriously got wounded in its mouth!

Then not understanding what was happening and thinking that the saw was attacking "him," _it decided to roll around the saw to suffocate it with all its body by squeezing it with all its strength, but it ended up being killed by the saw!!!_

Sometimes we react in anger to hurt those who have harmed us, but we realize later that after all *we are hurting ourselves.*

*_In life it is better sometimes to ignore situations, ignore people, ignore their behavior, their words._*

*Sometimes it is better not to react* so as not to suffer consequences that can sometimes be deadly or harmful.

*Do not let hate take over your life* because love is stronger than anything.

*Keep Smiling and Spread Happiness.....*

Who are these people. ..

In an ancient temple, a number of pigeons lived happily on roof top.

When the renovation of the temple began for the annual temple feast the pigeons relocated themselves to a Church nearby.

The existing pigeons in the Church accommodated the new comers very well.

Christmas was nearing and the Church was given a facelift, All the pigeons had to move out and look for another place.

They were fortunate to find a place in a Mosque nearby, The pigeons in the Mosque welcomed them happily.

It was Ramadan time and the Mosque was repainted, All the pigeons now came to the same ancient temple.

One day the pigeons on top found some communal clashes below in a market square.

The baby pigeon asked the mother pigeon
"Who are these people ?

The mother replied; they are "Human beings".

The baby asked,
But why are they fighting with each other...?

The mother said "These human beings going to temple are called 'Hindus' and the people going to Church are called 'Christians' and the people going to Mosque are called 'Muslims'.

The Baby pigeon asked, "Why is it so? When we were in the Temple we were called Pigeons, when we were in the church we were called Pigeons and when we were in the Mosque, we were called Pigeons. Similarly they should be called just
'Human beings' wherever they go"?

The mother Pigeon said,
'You and me and our Pigeon friends have experienced God and that's why we are living here in a highly elevated place peacefully.

These people are yet to experience God.

Hence they are living below us and fighting and killing each other.