Sunday 22 December 2019

God's Wife

I heard a story about a young boy who lived in the inner city. He was about eight years old, and his family was extremely poor. One cold fall day, he was up at the local store looking in the window admiring a pair of tennis shoes. As he stood there, cold and barefoot, a lady came along and said, “Young man, what are you doing staring so intently in this window?”

Under his breath, and almost shyly, he said, “Well, I was just sort of praying and asking God if He’d give me a new pair of tennis shoes.”

Without hesitation, the woman took him into the store and very gently and lovingly washed his cold dirty feet. Then she put a brand-new pair of socks on him and told him to pick out three new pairs of tennis shoes. He couldn’t believe it. He was so excited. He had never owned a new pair of shoes. He’d always worn hand-me-downs.

After the woman paid for the purchases, she returned to the little boy. He looked at her in disbelief. Nobody had ever taken that kind of interest in him. With tears running down his cheeks, he said, “Lady, can I ask you a question? Are you God’s wife?”

Friend, you are never more like God than when you give, when you take time for people, when you do something good for somebody who can never repay you. Don’t get sucked into society’s narcissistic way of thinking—it’s all about me, me, me! You will never be happy catering to yourself. Real joy comes as you give your life away.

Do you really want to be a better you? Make a decision with me that you’re going to start being good to people. Pay attention to those around you—your friends, coworkers, relatives, even strangers. Listen to what they’re saying. Be sensitive and don’t miss any opportunity to do good.

Remember, true love is always backed up with actions.

Thursday 19 December 2019

Value what you have....

Value your health. Take good care of yourself because many people pray just to be healthy like you. Health is wealth.

Value your life, don't lose it. Don't even think of suicide because many people wished they had enough time to accomplish their dreams. You still have a chance to do that so why give up?

Value your freedom because so many people are willing to spend all they have to buy their freedom. If you doubt this, go to the prisons.

Value your parents irrespective of their status, whether rich or poor. If you think I'm wrong then go to orphanages and see how the kids wish they had someone they could call mother or father, no matter how bad they are.

Value your friends because they are not easy to come by. Be a good friend too. Be left alone on an island for a year and see if you will not contemplate suicide.

Value the food you eat, no matter how cheap because so many people have enough money to buy it but can't eat it because of their health.

Value your job because so many jobless people out there envy your job and wish to have it.

Value what you have because you might not have a chance to get it again. They say a bird in hand is worth 10,000 in the bush.

Value the little things you are given because they have the tendency to attract bigger ones.

Value yourself, value people and value the things around you, no matter how little. That's the best way to live and enjoy life.