Sunday 31 May 2020


A business man gets stranded on a lonely highway in the US. The tyres of his car get stuck badly in a mud pool. 

He looks around for help and finally finds an old farmer. The businessman goes to him asking for help to get his car out of the mud. 

Farmer gauges the situation, and agrees to help him and says, let us take the help of warwick, an old bull at the farm.

The farmer ties the bull to the car and start shouting loudly,’ FRED, PULL!.. JACK, PULL!.. JOHN, PULL... WARWICK, PULL’. 

As the farmer keeps shouting these words, the bull Warwick gets the car out of the pool of mud. 

The Businessman is relieved but has a doubt in his mind. 
He thanks the farmer and asks him,’ you said the bull’s name was Warwick, and he was alone, then who were Fred, Jack & John?’ 

The Farmer answered, "See, Warwick is old and is also blind. He does not know he is pulling this car alone. The moment he hears the other names, he thinks he is in a team, and he gives his best".

So is the case with all of us. The very thought that there are others in this same situation as us, gives us a great deal of comfort, hope, confidence and enthuses us to put our heart and soul into any task that we undertake.

It's not without reason that the very word TEAM is said to stand for "Together  Everyone Achieves More".

This too shall pass, Let's work as a team to overcome the crisis.

Friday 15 May 2020

Bring smile on the face.....

On a flight to Kuala Lumpur recently, I noticed a young girl of seven years old requesting the airhostess for orange juice. The airhostess was probably over-worked and responded quite curtly with ‘I will come by later if I remember’. 

The young girl smiled and got up to follow her to the galley. I noticed that she came back after a short while with a glass of orange juice.

As she was seated by the aisle next to me, I struck up a conversation with her. I asked her what she did when she went to the galley! She said she offered to help the airhostess if she had too much work. The airhostess apparently hugged her and appreciated her offer and gave her the orange juice. So, I asked her why she did that.

The young girls response was absolutely magical! She said, my mum always tells me that when people are upset, it has more to do with them having to carry the world on their shoulders. During these moments, she says, I should help offload the world from their shoulders.

I wish, I had her wisdom when I was of her age. Our parents probably tell us the same variation, but very few implement it like she did.

Work is a part of life. Understand people at work and evaluate how heavy a world are they carrying. If life were black or white, it would be monotonous!

 A great legacy is worth leaving behind; which brings smile on faces when they remember the gesture or action or behaviour as a lasting impression during every interaction!.