Tuesday 23 March 2021

Time to return..

A man went to the king. Said he was poor,
he has nothing, he needs help. The king 
was kind. He asked: What help is needed?

The man said: a little plot. The king said:
Come here tomorrow morning at sunrise. Run as far as you can run, that whole plot is yours. But remember, from where you start running, you have to come back by sunset, otherwise you will get nothing!

The man was happy & excited. He started running at sunrise.. kept running & running; the sun had climbed overhead.. but the man did not stop running.. a little more 
hard work.. then rest for whole life!

Evening was about to come and the man remembered, he has to return, otherwise he will not get anything! He saw he had come far away.. now he had to return.. but how would he return..? The sun had turned towards the west.. the man had full breath.. he could have returned.. but time was passing fast.. a little more strength to be put.. he started running at full speed.. but now he felt tired.. and he dropped dead.!

The king was watching it all. He went with his colleagues where the man fell on the ground and looked at him carefully and said:

*He only needed few yards of land. He was running so much without any reason!*

The man wanted to return.. but could not return.. he returned there, from where 
no one comes back!

Now imagine by putting yourself in place of that man, if we are not making the same mistake that he did. We don't know the limit of our desires. Our needs are limited, but our desires are infinite! We do not prepare to return in the fascination of acquiring more. And when we do, it is too late! 
Then we have nothing left.

I was involved in the race of life, where did I reach till today? Where do I have to go & how long do I have to reach? If I keep running like this, where & how long will I reach? We are all running without realizing that the sun returns in time. Even Abhimanyu did not know about returning. We are all Abhimanyus. We also 
do not know how to return!

The truth is that.. 
*Those who know how to return*
*they know how to live, but..* 
*it is not that easy to return.*

I wish that character of Tolstoy's
story could have returned in time!

I pray to God that we all return! May we all get the conscience, strength and decision to return. 
May everyone be blessed.

Sunday 21 March 2021

Life is one time...

Most of the people are just breathing through their life because to live one’s life, one should live very moment with zeal, enthusiasm and anticipation that the next moment will be even better than before. What people do is, live in the regrets, and ignore the little joys of life, wait to celebrate big achievements. It is small everyday moments and little achievements that bring more happiness. Once you start seeing them, you will start loving and living your life. To live your life fully, you must make the most of every moment of your life because when you make the most, you will feel successful and celebrate it every day.

Thursday 18 March 2021

Train Train

Nearby, a building construction work was going on. Lots of poor  labourers were working there and their small  children used to hold onto one another's shirt and play "train-train". Someone would become the engine and others would become bogies. Every day these children used to take turns becoming the engine and bogies ... 

But there was  one small boy wearing only a half pant who used to hold one small green cloth in his hand and become the guard daily.  

Once I went to him and asked him .."beta, don't u also wish to become an engine or a bogie some time ? 

He softly replied .." Sir , I don't have a shirt to wear so how will the other children catch me to make the train? 

I could see 
the slight wetness in his eyes. 

It gave me a lesson
He could have cried and stayed at home and abused his parents for not affording to buy him a shirt. But instead he chose another way to play and enjoy. 

In life, we don't get all things we desire and we keep complaining....I don't have a bike,  I don't have car, I don't have this or that etc. 

Life is like that....we need to make it beautiful and be satisfied with what we have.

Saturday 13 March 2021


A Teacher was writing table of 5 on the board:
After writing she turned back towards students and found that everybody was laughing at her. On asking the reason for laugh, couple of students got up and told:
Ma’am- first line of the table is wrong…It should be 5

Hearing this Teacher (smiling) explained “I wrote the first line wrong on purpose, because I wanted you to learn something important. This was for you to learn how the real world will treat you. I wrote 9 correct lines but nobody congratulated me but one mistake and everybody pointed at it.

Moral: The world will never appreciate billion right things you do but will criticize for one wrong doing. Therefore, never ever get disheartened if somebody criticizes you. Take it positive and rise above all criticisms.