Monday 24 May 2021

Wolf Pack

The first 3 are the old & sick, they walk in front to set the pace of the entire pack. 

The next 5 are the strongest & best, they are tasked to protect the front side if there is an attack. 

In the center are the rest of the pack members, always protected from any attack. 

Then the 5 also among the strongest are following, protecting the back side. 

Last is alone, the alpha. The LEADER. 
He controls everything from the rear, ensures that no one is left behind. He is always ready to run in any direction to protect, and serves as the 'bodyguard' to the entire group. 

Just in case anyone wanted to know what it really means to be a leader. It is not about being out front. It means taking care of the team.


Apollo 13 is a movie worth watching. Or, if you have already seen it, worth watching again. 

The movie, starring Tom Hanks and Ed Harris, tells the story of NASA’s aborted moon mission in 1970. An explosion in the spaceship's oxygen tanks put the astronauts' lives in danger, forcing the crew to try to make their way back to earth again without landing on the moon.

The tag line for the movie is, "Houston, we have a problem." It's a good line for a movie blurb and captures the danger and the drama in the situation well. 

But the line that truly turned the situation around was a question that NASA Mission Control Director, Gene Kraz, asked right after the explosion in the oxygen tanks:  
"What have we got in that ship that's still good?"

That is perhaps the best question to ask at a time when everything has gone overwhelmingly wrong!

Focusing only on the enormity and unexpectedness of disaster can paralyse us into despair and inaction. But identifying and focusing on what is still working and within our control empowers us to find solutions - sometimes in the most unexpected ways!

By asking, "What have we got in that ship that's good?" Mission Control and the Apollo 13 astronauts figured out a way to keep everyone on board alive by building makeshift CO2 filters using containers and duct tape aboard the ship that managed to expel carbon dioxide from the ship and get the astronauts back safely to earth.

Apollo 13’s astronauts survived because Mission Control asked the right question. Perhaps this is a good time to ask ourselves similar questions: 
• What do we have in our lives that is still good? 
• What is still working that we can build on, regardless of what has gone wrong? 
• What are our strengths? 
• What is the next thing we can do? 

Focusing on finding answers to those questions can help us find the strength and solutions we need in difficult and trying times.

* Posted as received...if any offence, will remove it.

Saturday 22 May 2021

Play the battle drums...

A king had many elephants, but one elephant was very powerful, very obedient, sensible and skillful in fighting skills. In many wars, he was sent on the battlefield and he used to return only after getting victory to the king. Therefore, he was the most loved elephant of the king. Time went by and there came a time when the elephant started getting old. Now he was not able to perform as before. Therefore, now the kings did not even send him to the battlefield but still remain a part of his team.

One day the elephant went to the lake to drink water, but his feet got stuck in the mud there and then went on sinking. He tried a lot, but he could not remove himself from the mud. People came to know from the sound of his screams that the elephant was in trouble. The news of the trapping of the elephant also reached the king. All the people, including the king, gathered around the elephant and made various efforts to get him out. But after trying for a long time, there was no way out. 

At that time, a old wise retired minister from the kings court was passing by seeing the king and the croud he thought of stopping and seeing what was tha matter. 

After a quick first inspection and speaking to the king he suggested to the king that the battle drums should be played around the lake. 

The listeners felt bizarre how the trapped elephant would come out by playing the drums. As soon as the drums of war started ringing, so did the change in the gesture of that troubled elephant.

At first, the elephant slowly stood up and then came out of the mud on his own, shocking everyone.


There was no lack of physical ability  in the elephant, only the need to infuse enthusiasm within  
To maintain enthusiasm in life, it is necessary that humans maintain purposeful thinking & mindset and do not let despair dominate

In today’s challenging times  we all need to infuse ourselves & people around us with Hope & enthusiasm by playing the battle drums that we will again Celebrate Abundance of good health, Joy & Happiness tomorrow

Stop asking people how is tough times treating them instead share the happy moments and what interesting things are happening around u

Make sure the battle drums are played to declare not that a war has started but the victory in the battle of difficult times with the support of awesome people like you around.

Sunday 2 May 2021


The “HOPE” Experiment :

During a brutal study at Harvard in the 1950s, Dr. Curt Richter placed rats in a pool of water to test how long they could tread water.

On average they'd give up and sink after 15 minutes.

But right before they gave up due to exhaustion, the researchers would pluck them out, dry them off, let them rest for a few minutes - and put them back in for a second round.

In this second try - how long do you think they lasted?

Remember - they had just swam until failure only a few short minutes ago...

How long do you think?

Another 15 minutes?

10 minutes?

5 minutes?


60 hours!

That's not an error.

That's right! 60 hours of swimming.

The conclusion drawn was that since the rats BELIEVED that they would eventually be rescued, they could push their bodies way past what they previously thought impossible.

I will leave you with this thought:

If hope can cause exhausted rats to swim for that long, what could a belief in yourself and your abilities, do for you.

Everything will be fine. Keep hope and keep fighting

Saturday 1 May 2021

Stone in pulav

In a restaurant, one well-known chef cooked  very tasty pulav using high quality rice. As soon as the pulav was ready, its aroma spread all over. Everyone's mouth started watering.

Now they were all eager to taste the pulav. About a hundred people were served the pulav.

Just when every one was about to take the first bite & put it in their mouth, the  chef came and said that there is a small stone in the pulav. As it was of the same color and size of the rice grain, he couldn't find it. He said as it may come in anybody's plate he would want them to be carefull while eating & the stone might injure them if it comes in between the teeth.

The flavor of the pulav is  good.... the taste is also great but now the fun of eating has gone. Everyone was like forcefully swallowing one bite after other without paying attention to the taste while eating. The more they became aware, there was no talk, no gossip among them. All were quite & silent. Before the start of the meal it was fun to be together. Now even though they were together, one by one, they fell into a trance. Everyone ate until the end. Even the last bite was taken carefully.

After completing the meal everyone sighed relief for not getting the stone.  They washed their hands. Just then, someone noticed that no one got the stone.

Then they called the chef &  asked him 'you had said that one of us will get the stone while eating!

The chef said 'I had removed most of the stones, but if there was one left by mistake, I wanted to warn you.

They started looking at each other. There was no discussion about the very delicious pulav. Everyone was exhausted after the meal, because the ease of eating had gone.  They had found it was so hard to eat !!

Due to this pandemic at present, our condition has become like the stone in the pulav. It is not possible to say who will get this stone.

Ease of living is gone. Even  the helping hand which comes forward, we think will get Corona? Milkman, vegetable vendor, grocer,... while buying every necessities of life, we are worrying  what will come with it & this is how we are living our lives.

But it is a humble request not to let your happy life become useless like the delicious pulav.

Don't read negative news, posts. Read  motivating posts, information,  books. Cultivate hobbies and buy happiness in kilos & tonnes just from youself.