Wednesday 4 January 2012

Watching Yu Ya

Watching Yu Ya is good, she is a well-known Taiwanese singer who happened to perform on the cruise i was being in. I can observe she have good personality. She is pretty, humorous, humble and she enjoyed singing as her way of life. I could see she enjoyed singing for us as much as we enjoyed listening to her. She started with a song or two then engaged conversation or talk with the audience before going on with the next song, perhaps that's one reason she doesn't feel bored singing day to day. Maybe the idea of even being bored is far from her mind. After all, being able to make people smile, happy and have a very good day even for only one day is something that is very rewarding for oneself to do, unless that person takes such priviledge just for granted. As what the wise understand, happiness is only real when shared.

Nobody steps in the same river, a greek wise philosopher said. Not only that 'same' river have change, but we who come across it might also been another person already. One who has learned how to make the most of the natural laws and able to see things from bigger perspective, will see that change is beautiful, but those who choose to see it with lower perspective might see that change is a burden and annoyance.

Yu Ya started off from being ordinary person like us. Only when a composer-musician guy noticed her that she climb and climb so high that she's titled 4 best taiwanese singers. Her flower has bloomed now, while on those time she was just a flower petal. She succeed, not merely because of her singing skills, but rather on how she is capable of distributing and reaching to a lot of people about her singing skill. Even at her own era of glory, there are no doubt that there are some people who can sing better than her, the difference is whether that particular person keep the skill to himself/herself or share it with the world just like what Yu Ya does.

There may be whole lots of people who can actually write better than J.K.Rowling, or expose conspiracies much better through fiction than Dan Brown, but only a portion of few who brings out the talent for the world to see. Just like before the Colombus, there were actually some tribes such as the Vikings who found it far long before Colombus, but Colombus was the one who brought the message out the world, therefore his name was the one most celebrated for the event. Similar thing too in the world of inventions and pioneering, it's about who brings out and introduce the invention to the world, rather than who and who and who was capable of inventing such feat.

So if you possess a certain talent or any capabilities that excells from others, as long as you never bring it out to the world to see, you'll never worth as much if you do. I am talented as a philosopher and i am a thinker myself. Without me ever expressing my thoughts, i would be as worthless as anyone who walks in the streets.

Therefore, share it and it will duplicates! One duplicate is from you to others, and the other duplicates is for yourself. You reward others and reward yourself at the same time! Trust in the law of giving and receiving that governs our world in perfect mutual reward and completion. But remember, if keep any talent/blessings to yourself, the talent/blessings would not grow and would not duplicates itself, it will just be as it is, no progress, no growth, unless it is shared. Therefore share it!

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