Wednesday 21 March 2012

The man in the sea

Once a group of  men walking around the beach beside the gushing sea water.
Suddenly, they spotted the body of a man wobbling up and down in the heavy waves.

“Thinking the  man was dead, they ran near the beach trying to figure out how they were going to fish the dead body out of the water so that it wouldn’t be swept out to sea.

Their discussion came to an abrupt halt when the man, who they had thought was dead emerged out of the water, dried himself off and started walking away.

The men ran after the young man and asked, ‘How did you survive in that water?

No one could swim in that water without being killed.’

“‘It is really easy’ the man replied.

‘I just went up when the water went up, and down when the water went down.’”

Moral: Life always has its up’s and down’s. It’s how we adjust and handle ourselves in these situations decides how far we go in life. The moment you quit you lose the battle.

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