Thursday 31 May 2012


A poor boy once approached a Zen monk and said "Master my name is Joe", I want to be richest & most successful man, but I come from a poor peasent family, I have no formal education , my parents don't have enough money to provide proper food and clothing. I want to rise to great heights in life, but everyone says that my family has been always like this and I am destined to be a failure all my life. O Learned One, please tell me , will I ever succeed in
transforming myself ?

Joe waited impatiently for the master to answer, but there was no response. The master summoned three of his most
trusted disciples and whispered something in their ears. The disciples went away. A few minuted later the first
disciple came back. He carrying a small pot with some water in it. The water was crystal clear.

After sometime, the second disciple came back he too was carrying a small pot of water but it was dirty water,

Everybody was confused, they had no idea what the master was upto, but the master said nothing and indicated that

In the open ground outside the room the disciples made 3 piles of wooden logs & set the 3 pots on the fire, the
Everybody looked in silence, unsure of what they were witnessing. Joe did not know what to say. After few hours, the master asked disciples to extinguish the fire, he walked towards Joe and asked "what do you seee in the first pot",
Joe replied "It's empty", the master asked "how", Joe replied " the water was transformed to vapour"

"Good", replied the master & what happened to the water in second pot ?, Joe replied " That too became empty due to

Zen said " any human will be transformed if you heat him, all that you need is burning desire,", transformation is a
All the three water in the pot had their destiny of staying crystal clear, dirty or from sewage, but immaterial from where they had come , they all vapourised.
In entire world our birth is destiny in whichever background we belong to but the process of transformation is not related to destiny & it applies uniformly to everyone.
process which is not dependent on any element.
vapourisation"master again asked " Joe the third pot ? ", again the reply came "That too turned in vapour & is empty"
water started boiling.
Joe and other disciples should walk out of the room.
Finally the third disciple came, in one hand he was carrying a small pot of water & by second hand he covered his nose. As he entered the other disciples moved back since from the pot came the most disguisting stink of sewage water.

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