Wednesday 27 June 2012

My Friend

I just wanted to write a quick note about my friend ‘Inspiration’. When I look for him he’s not there but when he comes around he leaves me feeling like a king. I noticed one thing about inspiration, if you do not mix motivation with inspiration, you wind up with neither and get no further towards your goals.

Here is a rule to follow…when inspiration visits make sure you answer the door, write down the idea, set it into a plan of action and include a time line to make it a destination. Sometimes when we think of Goals we make them into things we won’t achieve. Lets skip that by making a road map to your destination instead of setting goals set real times to achieve real tasks. If you are reading this it may be fate has reminded you of this. Use great resources to keep you motivated towards the destination. I am writing of goals, motivation and destinations to remind myself to stay on track. I have set a destination to be self sufficient on the internet with in a year and have hit a few stumbling blocks.

I am Reminding myself that there are factors which will solve these problems:
It has been my past experience that I have accomplished every goal I set,
I do not give up,
I view goals as destinations,
I stick to the idea.
If you run into what some may call failure remind yourself that most successful people were at the brink of disaster when they made it.

Success is said to be on the other side of failure, because most of the time there will be multiple failures before success.

Do you remember learning how to ride a bike?

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