Tuesday 4 December 2012

The best gift.

There were two elderly men living at Mount Hogenakkal ; one lived down at the lake shore, the other lived up in the forest a fair distance away. Both had long been retired and being childhood friends, they found a lot of joy and solace in each others company.

It happened that, during winter, the man down near the lake took seriously ill. The friend from the forest came to visit him and brought him a precious gift. The sick man was happy with the gift. Soon he got over his illness and was up and about. The two continued visiting each other off and on as often as possible, their age being a limiting factor.
After a while, the man living up in the forest stopped making his regular visits to the lakeside, so his friend walked up to the forest to see him, and found him sick and in bed. He also brought his friend a special gift. And every day he trudged up that hill and paid his forest friend a visit, always bringing along a special gift. It was always the same gift. In fact it was the very same kind of gift that he himself had been presented with when he was bedridden the previous winter.

When both men were well, and up and about, they used to take refreshing strolls either in the forest or around the small lake. And both enjoyed the gift which the other always brought. What was the gift? They had not bought it in any store; in fact, it could not be bought. Nor was the gift wrapped up in any fancy paper, as at any festival. Whenever they visited each other, the visitor did not carry the gift with him, but inside him. That way he could never lose it. It was, in fact, such a big gift that all the wrapping paper in the world could not cover it.

Do you know what the gift was ?
Each visitor gave the other his TIME.


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