Saturday 14 September 2013


It is turning into winter here now. I have travelled to the west coast and witnessed the first snow falls. Usually when I am here it is wet and cold but this week the Gods are smiling on me as the sky is cloudless and the sun reflecting on the mountain tops gives them an orange glow which is a sight to behold.

Many people have a favourite season. What is yours?

I have found that as I grow older my opinion of this changes or, as each season is in full swing I decide that this is my favourite time of year only to dismiss my comments months later when another change comes around. A few months ago autumn was in full swing and I was in awe of the magical colours of the leaves dancing in the winds. In early autumn it felt good to put a scarf on and feel the strong, fresh, cold breeze invigorate my senses and remind me that summer had ended once again.

Prior to that, summer had been a long lazy affair with trips to the beach, barbeque and beers in hand, and a good posse of friends to share it all with. The first bathing session of the summer is always good. Sometimes you can attempt this a little too early without having given the waters time to amply heat up and a sharp exit is the only solution. I love walking down the street and wearing nothing but shorts, t-shirt and flip flops. If it was warm enough for me to not wear socks every day I would gladly do it. I envy those living in all-year round warm climates where this has become the default choice of footwear.

Sometimes it is difficult to identify when spring transitions into summer (we have the calendar months but they are becoming more and more unreliable). Early spring however is clearly identifiable. The melting of the snows, the budding of flowers, longer daylight hours and rivers containing wild torrents from the flow of water from the mountain tops. We can shed the heavy wool jumpers and hats for something a little lighter and more breathable and perhaps even start eating outside again at night-time without the assistance of a blanket on the lap or a heater overhead.

And so to winter again. I can feel you asking yourself where I am going with this and the truth is that before I started writing this page I had absolutely no idea.

I have taken a little trip down memory lane however and realised that in every season I have had several moments where I have stopped to look around and appreciate how lucky I was at that point and space in time to be witnessing such beauty around me.

Perhaps sometimes we are too intent in looking around the corner to find out what is coming next without realising that it will come soon enough and will then drift of to become nothing but a memory. We should be looking to enjoy today and all the miracles it brings us. It is easy to acknowledge that miracles happen around us but recognizing these as they happen is what really awakens our mind and senses.

Take a look around, breathe it in and appreciate it. Tomorrow will be here soon enough

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