Friday 29 August 2014

Rat and the Maze

In consulting with a large corporation several years ago, I had the opportunity to work and become freinds with a psychologist who was raised in New York. As we frequently presented to the same group on the same day, I often heard him tell the story of how he and his professional peers would work with rats in the mazes. They put the rat at one end of the maze and a poece of food at the other end, and watched the rat as he bumped around until he eventually found the food. The next time they put him in , he bumped a little less and got to the food a little faster. After a while , he got to where he would zip through the maze and have that tidbit in his teeth within a few seconds.

Then they took the food away. For a little while, each time he was put in, the rat kept making a beeline for the end of the maze. But it wasn't too long before he figured out the food wasn't going to be there and so he stopped going.

That's the difference between rats and people", my friend would say, "The rats stop!! ".

This story teaches us the lesson of consistency which means that we have to "keep our engine running"...

Thinking about this concept of 'Keeping the Engine Running', I believe that efforts to achieve any goals in your personal or professional life should not be stopped till the time we conquer. The momentum of things can be slow or fast at different phases of time but overall efforts should not be halted. When you have doubt of failure for a specific task, you can take next small step to determine if things are going in right direction. In case this small step is successful you can continue our journey towards the target. In case of failure you can take corrective action by moving one step back. This will give you the wisdom and experience not to repeat this mistake in next phases of your project. By the way, don't consider failure as opposite to success; consider it as part of your success because it is empowering your experience and wisdom to achieve the target with maximum perfection.

Your unstable behavior is polluting your success journey. Your success demands consistency in your deeds. Remember the fact that consistent actions become your habits, consistent habits define your character and a concrete character makes the foundation of your bright destiny. So keep the engine running, always!

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