Sunday 30 November 2014

life is fun

A famous writer was in his study room. He picked up his pen and started writing:

**Last year, I had a surgery and my gall bladder was removed. I had to stay stuck to the bed due to this surgery for a long time.

**The same year I reached the age of 60 years and had to give up my favourite job. I had spent 30 years of my life in this publishing company.

**The same year I experienced the sorrow of the death of my father.

**And in the same year my son failed in his medical exam because he had a car accident. He had to stay in bed at hospital with the cast on for several days. The destruction of car was another loss.

At the end he wrote: Alas! It was such bad year!!

When the writer's wife entered the room, she found he husband looking sad lost in his thoughts. From behind his back she read what was written on the paper. She left the room silently and came back with another paper and placed it on side of her husband's writing.

When the writer saw this paper, he found this written on it:

**Last year I finally got rid of my gall bladder due to which I had spent years in pain.

**I turned 60 with sound health and got retired from my job. Now I can utilize my time to write something better with more focus and peace.

**The same year my father, at the age of 95, without depending on anyone or without any critical condition met his Creator.

 **The same year, God blessed my son with a new life. My car was destroyed but my son stayed alive without getting any disability.

At the end she wrote:
This year was an immense blessing of God and it passed well!!

The same incidents but different viewpoints. If we ponder with this viewpoint that what could have happened more, we would truly become thankful to the Almighty.

Moral : In daily lives we must see that its not happiness that makes us grateful but gratefulness that makes us happy.

There is always, always, always something to be thankful for.

Stay Blessed 😊


Tuesday 4 November 2014

Circle of Love

It was over 20 years ago. I was holding my baby son in my arms while my two other children played under a big tree in the front yard of an old house. The house was also a local food bank and I was watching my children while my wife went in. I had been laid off work for a long time and we were out of food. I tried to laugh as my children chased each other around the tree but my heart was too heavy. Despair hung around me like a cloud. All I could feel was fear. Finally my wife came out holding a large bag of food and we smiled at each other. Thanks to the kindness of others our children would not go hungry that night.

It was yesterday. I found myself outside the doors of another food bank. Thanks to the kindness of a kindred spirit I had some extra money in my wallet and a longing to share this gift with others. I went to the local grocery store and bought what I could with what I had. Then I carried in the bags of food to help restock the food bank's sparse shelves. The people there thanked me several times, but I felt a little embarrassed as I accepted their gratitude. I was, after all, only completing a circle of kindness that began over twenty years ago.

This world is full of circles of love. Every smile we share, thing we give, and act of kindness we do flows out from us to touch others. Then it continues on going from heart to heart and soul to soul until it circles the world and returns to us again. I was just happy to take my place in one of those circles yesterday and to pass on the loving-kindness that had been shared with me.

Don't be afraid to take your own place in these circles of love. A kind word, a caring smile, a gentle touch, a helping hand, or a simple act of charity can change another's life and this world as well. Circle all of your days with love then. Love will warm your heart. Love will bring you joy. Love will spiral you to Heaven and always lead you back to God.

Tiny little hands

Every night, when i return home from work, travelling in a cab, my eyes automatically turn towards a temple that is enroute to my home.

The reason being, there is a woman with her 2 little daughters, sitting at the entrance of the temple, waiting for the passerby to offer them something. when i see the tiny one, she is may be 1 1/2 yrs old, with a scarf around her tiny head, in the cold night, sitting along with her mother, sometimes eating something, other times, just wandering at the gate. She has touched my heart so much that i thank my heavenly father, for giving me a home, parents, a kind husband who takes care and a tiny daughter of mine as well.

The tender girl at the temple not sure about what life is, keeps always smiling, no worries on her mind and always accompanying her mother, except when it rains. In the cold winds, with her tiny feet, i sometimes see her sleeping on her mother's lap comforted without realizing what time of the day it is and what is happening around her.

I only pray, some good soul, offers them a good home a roof to live under instead of the open sky near the temple and food to live on instead of begging. God bless that Mother and her Two lovely daughters at the temple.

Greatest Regret

A stranger has come to visit me. She says she is family, but I have no family. No wife, no children, no parents, no siblings. I've never laid eyes on her before. Nonetheless, I can't deny our connection. She has my clear grey eyes and ginger hair and the same distinctive jawline and cheekbones. And moreover, the tenderness with which she treats me in my fragile state, clinging to this world by a thread, says more than appearances ever could. She is sorry she never had the chance to see me before and she sheds a tear at seeing me in this state, and the gentle warmth of her hand round mine is all the comfort in the world.

She tells me about her life. Her happy family childhood back in my old home town, after I'd already left. The success she'd enjoyed at college, buoyed up by the support from her father telling her that hard work would bring such rewards. The hard lessons she'd learnt in love and the joy she'd won in return when she discovered what was right for her. Whatever my conservative views, I could feel her joy when she described falling in love with a woman for the first time and my antipathy towards that lifestyle was swept away by the smile on her face.

She asked me about my life. My sorry childhood didn't match up to hers, raised with the fear of hell and beatings that left me always battling to prove myself as an adult. When I left for university it was a weight released, but the discipline stood me in good stead. My self-control won me awards, a career that from the first day supported me, the girl I loved, our dream wedding and home and everything she and I wanted. But then my need to prove myself took everything away. When I was offered my dream job on the other coast, she wouldn't come. Her family and friends meant more to her than me. She wanted me to decline it, but I saw that as failure. She stayed and I went and we tossed our marriage away.

I threw myself into my career to numb the pain, and my success was tremendous, but with no one to make happy with it, the shine was gone. Woman after woman came into my life and left but I never found love again. Looking into this stranger's eyes, I can see my ex-wife's love for me shining through and what I've known for years comes flooding out in tears - I walked away from the best thing I could ever have had.

She cradles me close as the regret consumes me. I blink through my tears and ask her, what if? What if I'd stayed? I could've been so happy. I could've had the world. I wish I'd realized then what was of true value, as I do now. Here I am, alone, with only a stranger to see me through my darkest, final night.

She wipes away my tears with gentle fingers. The world, she whispers, and more. Your wife would have loved you more each day. And you could have had me, dad. You could have had me.

Dots of light

I was in my backyard the other night. The evening, Autumn air was blowing. It was fresh, clean and cool without being cold. My dogs were sitting on the freshly fallen leaves and looking up at me, wondering why we hadn't gone back inside yet. The reason was that I was taking some time to gaze at the stars. The sky was almost completely clear of clouds and the heavens were twinkling.

It had been too long since I last looked at the billion stars in the night sky. Those little dots of light felt so warm to my heart and inviting to my soul. They seemed to radiate peace, joy, and Heavenly love to all who watched them. Suddenly, one of the few clouds left in the night sky drifted over the large patch of stars I was pondering upon and they disappeared. I frowned as the sky grew a little darker and finally decided to go inside.

As I opened my backdoor I thought of how each one of those little dots of light was special. Each one of them made the night sky a little brighter. Each one of them made the heavens a little more beautiful. I thought too of each of our lives here and how much our light was needed as well.

Don't let the clouds of this world block out your light. Let it shine everyday for God and for yourself. Your light comes from love and love is brighter than a billion galaxies. Let your own love glow from your smile, your laugh, and your life. Let it blaze in your acts of goodness and kindness. Let it be a beacon to help others to share their light as well. Let it be so luminous that the angels sing and God smiles. You may think that you are just a little dot of light in this universe. But without you everything is darker. Share your light always then and bring brightness with you wherever you go.

Tracks we leave

When I was a boy I used to love walking in the woods around my home. My Mom warned me several times never to travel so far that I would lose sight of the house. Being a typical boy, however, I soon found myself hiking further and further away, testing just how far I could go into the woods without getting lost. After losing my way once for two hours, though, I decided that I had better leave a trail the next time I went for a walk.

The very next day I decided to try it. I walked into the woods until the house was out of sight. Then I broke a small branch on a young tree to mark my place. I wandered further in and broke another limb and then another. In a few spots where there was no limbs small enough I snapped the heads off Daises and Queen Anne's Lace that were growing where the sunlight broke through the trees. After a while I finally got tired and decided to head back. Turning around I easily found my tracks, but instead of being proud I felt sad. I could see the trail of destruction I had left in the woods going on and on. Looking at the broken limbs and dead flowers I wandered if God was disappointed in me and I vowed never to do that again. Instead, I started to cherish my times alone in the woods with God. I'd sit by the streams and listen to them sing. I'd watch the birds and squirrels. I'd bend down to smell the flowers. And I even buried an acorn or two hoping that one day an Oak might grow.

There is an old Native American Saying that goes "We will be known forever by the tracks we leave." As I have grown older and wiser I have done my best to never leave a trail of destruction in my life as I did in the woods that day. I have instead strived to leave tracks of love, kindness, goodness, and compassion and I have strived to show others that they can do the same. May you always leave tracks of joy as you follow your own trail of love to God.

Mom's Letter

Dear Son,

What do you tell to a son that is responsible, serious to a fault and sensitive? Let me begin by telling you of how proud I am of what you are. What you are is what you will be – this I truly believe looking at you. You have never caused me to worry and I always admire your focus to tasks at hand. At times you need prodding but this does not mean you have let go, simply a short break you would say. And this I respect.

Now is probably the best time to tell you about a little secret back when you were still in 1st grade, a time when you often asked if you will make it to school, if you can answer the exam, if you can memorize an assigned line. Do you recall the coin in your shoe and the red ribbon in your pocket? How you would have either of these things when you are into something? Do you remember me telling you that having either of these would draw powers that would allow you to make things happen? There was never any magic or power in the coin or on the ribbon. All along, it was always you, who believe that you can conquer any challenges thrown your way.

As you step into a new phase in your youth, I pray that you not lose the balance between what is good and not, to always look back at yourself and your family – your younger siblings most specially as you are to them there one and only kuya and hero. Nothing in this world is permanent but let your love for Ia and Wayne be as I and Dada to you. Never be afraid to commit mistakes and learn from it.

If all is unwell and you are bothered, let me be the first to console you and do let me remind you that a day always ends and as it does, all will always be well. If at times you feel tired, look back at us- your family and know we will always stand by you no matter what.

Your life is yours to lead. I am simply a mother who wishes you success in all your endeavours. The first time I laid my eyes on you, it was all so blurry. Groggy with anaesthesia, the only thing I remembered was counting your fingers and your toes – looking for marks in your body to ensure I would recognize you if in case we be parted. I am saying this to you so you would understand that even if I do trust you and would allow as much space to let you grow, I am simply a mother whose job includes worrying. I know I have no cause to worry as then again you have always shown high sense of responsibility and sensitivity.

May you continue to have the heart to inspire yourself and others. You never cease to amaze me when you prod your siblings to do more than mediocrity. Caution though my strong-willed son, responsible and serious you are, enjoy each moment, experience and challenge.

Savour all as much as you could without losing yourself in the process. Do not wait for the memory, make memories of your youth, enjoy your fun times with your close buddies and nurture your relationship with your family. To the last remaining days of your 6th grade, be excited as you step on the next level while thanking God for all the beautiful things He had graciously showered on you.

Continue to be the best of what you can be!

What makes us HAPPY ?

I have been practicing the art of happiness long before doing this research. The thing that helped me the most at becoming a happier person being appreciative of what I have. This single technique transformed me into a completely different person. Being appreciative also helped me rid of "If I X, I will be happy" thoughts. It is very important to understand that we are capable of being happy in the now.

What can we do to become happier?

- Forgive and forget. Don't hold grudges

- Create strong relationships with friends and family

- Have a passion and develop a skill

- Don't compare yourself selves to others. (Facebook)

- Love yourself. (compliment yourself. recognize your positive characteristics)

- Be appreciative and grateful for the big and little things in life. Create a list at least once a week of the things you are appreciate.

- Be optimistic

- Don't predict when you will happy/unhappy. We tend to overestimate when we will be happy/unhappy. Avoid phrases such as "I will be happy when X" and "I would be much happier if I was Xing".

Things that we think will attain us happiness, but does not

- Money. Money doesn't make you happy, but the lack of money makes you unhappy. (In other words, unless you are in poverty, money isn't very important)

- Fame

- Personal aesthetic (how great our hair looks, how great our outfit is today, etc.)

- Material possessions

- Power

Take everything in this post with a grain of salt. Most of the information provided is from scientific research, but I also took some notes from some less credible sites.