Tuesday 4 November 2014

Tiny little hands

Every night, when i return home from work, travelling in a cab, my eyes automatically turn towards a temple that is enroute to my home.

The reason being, there is a woman with her 2 little daughters, sitting at the entrance of the temple, waiting for the passerby to offer them something. when i see the tiny one, she is may be 1 1/2 yrs old, with a scarf around her tiny head, in the cold night, sitting along with her mother, sometimes eating something, other times, just wandering at the gate. She has touched my heart so much that i thank my heavenly father, for giving me a home, parents, a kind husband who takes care and a tiny daughter of mine as well.

The tender girl at the temple not sure about what life is, keeps always smiling, no worries on her mind and always accompanying her mother, except when it rains. In the cold winds, with her tiny feet, i sometimes see her sleeping on her mother's lap comforted without realizing what time of the day it is and what is happening around her.

I only pray, some good soul, offers them a good home a roof to live under instead of the open sky near the temple and food to live on instead of begging. God bless that Mother and her Two lovely daughters at the temple.

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