Saturday 15 August 2015

Life is Reflection of our Thoughts

Once a dog ran into a museum where all the walls, the ceiling, the door and even the floor was made of mirror.

Seeing this, the dog froze in surprise in the middle of the hall, and a whole pack of dogs surrounded it from all sides. Frightened, the dog frantically barked - the reflections imitated the bark and increased it many times. The dog barked even harder and the echo was keeping up. The dog tossed from one side to another, biting the air - his reflections also tossed around snapping their teeth.

Next morning the museum's security guards found the miserable dog, lifeless and surrounded by a million reflections of lifeless dogs. There was nobody else in the museum who meant any harm to the dog. The dog died fighting his own reflections.

The world doesn't bring good or evil on its own. Everything that is happening around us is the reflection of our own thoughts, feelings, wishes and actions.

The World is a big mirror. Strike a good pose! Life will be good by default.

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