Saturday 10 October 2015

Dusting in heaven

My 8-year-old son, Jonathan is an exceptionally inquisitive and cheerful child
who must have an answer for every question that enters his mind. I truly admire this aweinspiring quality in him! However, what do you say when you do not have an answer for his question?

While tucking him into bed one night I faced the hardest question he posed to me up until now, “Mommy,” he said, “where is my Granny now and what is she doing there?” I was entirely lost for words. There was a long pause of silence as I searched my heart and soul for an appropriate answer.

I guess Granny must have been listening to us because my answer to him came
out as if someone was talking for me. 

“Jonathan,” I began, “Granny has gone to live in Heaven.” With me knowing the
special care and tidiness she took with her home, I added, “She is dusting the clouds and keeping them shiny white.”

After a brief thought, Jonathan smiled as if he could imagine his Granny working hard in Heaven and kissed me goodnight. Relieved I had satisfied his curiosity, I let out a breath of relief. I too missed her and was happy I had moved through the interrogation of questions about Granny without tears. Jonathan then fell asleep, happily as always.

The next morning he ran through the house and jumped into bed with me.
“Mom,” he said, “please come and look out your window!” I half opened my eyes and glared at the sun beaming into my bedroom. “Yes Jonathan, it is going to be a beautiful day.”

Jonathan beaming, he looked at me with his wide-open eyes and said, “Granny is doing a good job up there in Heaven. Just look at those white fluffy clouds!” 

His face glowed like a shaft of light and pride as he glared out the window as the sun came shining in.

I sat up in bed, lovingly pulling my baby into my arms and hugged him tightly. I swallowed the lump in my throat and searched for a response to his announcement. Yes, son, Granny is doing a great job.” I replied. “The ’Heavens’ must be proud she came.”

Every so often, I catch Jonathan gazing at the fluffy white clouds with a smile on his face. I am sure Granny is smiling down at us while she dusts her heavenly white clouds.

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