Saturday 5 December 2015

Be Yourself

One day a king came to the garden and saw withering and dying trees, bushes and flowers. An oak said that he dies because it can’t be as high as a pine. Applying to a pine tree, the king found her falling down because it can’t give grapes like a grapevine. And grapevine was dying because it couldn’t blossom like a rose. Soon he found a single plant, pleasing heart, bloomy and fresh. 

The king asked:
-All the trees and flowers here are withering, and you are flourishing, why?
– I think it comes naturally. I believe that when you planted me, you wanted to get a joy. If you would like to grow an oak, grapes or rose, you would plant them. So I think that I can’t be anything else than what I am. And I try to develop my best qualities.

Look at yourself. You can be only yourself. It is impossible for you to become someone else. You can joy and blossom or you can wither if you do not accept yourself.

Overcoming Adversities

The Snake was crawling on the ground. The Eagle flew to her and said:
– How unfortunate you are, doomed to crawl all your life. Not like me – I am destined to fly.

The Snake looked at the Eagle and said:
– You are right Eagle, I can’t fly. But only I know what it means to fly.

– How can you know that? – The Eagle smiled, – you don’t have wing!

– Thoughts are my wings, – said the Snake proudly, – Dreams are my heaven.

 While crawling on the ground I close my eyes and I see the heaven. I imagine that I’m crawling in heaven not on the ground. Yes, it’s impossible to crawl in heaven, you can only fly. It means that in those moments I am flying. In my free thoughts I am learning to fly, Eagle. 

With my soul I am arising to the high heaven, so when my time comes and my life as a snake comes to an end, I could ascend into the blue heaven, into the endless heaven and fly, to fly and not think about anything, enjoying my freedom. And I won’t be afraid to fly, because it won’t be a new thing for me. 

For you Eagle, the wings were given as you were born, but not for me. But the heaven will make us equal. We will be flying together one day, Eagle, under the clouds. 

Only I will be stronger and freer than you, because I have learned how to fly without having wings, simply crawling on the ground. Both things are available for me. I am not afraid to lose my wings because I know how to crawl, and I am not afraid to gain wings because I know how to fly. And what will you do, Eagle, if you lose your wings?

Hard Times

One day a dull and exhausted by the illnesses and burdens of life peasant came to the wise man. He sat in front of the wise man, who gave him a heartfelt and warm smile. The peasant breathed out heavily letting out a wave of mourning. He began complaining about his life, that he has a hard burden that he doesn’t see a bright daylight at all, it’s like one problem falls on his head or the other – they have twisted him between the grindstones so much that he can’t even breathe in some fresh air. Later, he began blaming all of his relatives, who, in his opinion, were guilty for his misfortunes, whether the circumstances didn’t turn out right for him, or something else.
The wise man listened to him in silence, and when the peasant once again contritely inquired the wise man, why is it so unfair, what should he do and how to find peace, the wise man got up from his seat and invited the peasant to follow him.
They came out of the hut and went to a lakeside, which was not far away and where from time to time flying fishes were jumping, trotting fast above the surface, catching food.
The wise man led the peasant to the lakeside and said to him:
“Do you see the smoothness of the lake? The depths are full with life. There are fishes that always stay in water, and if suddenly the lake got polluted, they couldn’t see further their own nose, they would hardly recognise where the source of the pollution was, and they would keep swimming in circles. And there are also fishes that got wings and they can rise above the water of the lake, looking at it from the heights of their flight. So this is my advice: instead of complaining about your life, come to this lakeside from time to time, watch the flying fishes and try to understand what I wanted to say to you.”

Letting Go ....

Once there was a free bird. She floated in the sky, catching midges for lunch, swam in the summer rain trickles, and was like many other birds.
But she had a habit: every time some event occurred in her life, whether good or bad, the bird picked up a stone from the ground. Every day she sorted out her stones, laughed remembering joyful events, and cried remembering the sad ones.
A bird always took the stones with her, whether she was flying in the sky or walking on the earth, she never forgot about them. The years have passed, and free bird got a lot of stones, but she still kept on sorting them, remembering the past. It was becoming more and more difficult to fly, and one day a bird was unable to do this.
The bird that was free some time ago, could not walk on the earth, she was unable to make a move by her own. She could not catch midges anymore; only rare rain gave her the necessary moisture. But a bird bravely endured all the hardships, guarding her precious memories.

After some time a bird died of the starvation and thirst. And only a pitiful bunch of worthless stones reminded of her for a long time.

Choosing Career

One doctor became the greatest surgeon in the country and became the president of the National society of surgeons. For this reason, a celebration in his honour was held. But he was sad.
His friend came up to him and said:
– You achieved something that others can’t even dream about – you became the greatest surgeon. Why are you so sad?
– The thing is that I achieved something that I didn’t even wanted, – the surgeon said, – I never wanted to be a surgeon and now I can’t escape from it. If I would suffer a failure then maybe I would have a chance to do something that I really love. And now I am chained to a thing that I don’t even like.
– You must be joking? – The friend exclaimed, – the biggest honour for a surgeon is to become the president of a National society. Your wife is happy, your children are happy. Everyone has the highest respect for you!
– But I don’t respect myself – that’s what bad. I wanted to be a dancer, but my parents were against it, and I’ve listened to them. I was weak. I became a great surgeon, but I am very mediocre in the field that I wanted to dedicate my life to. That is why I am unhappy now.

Second Chance

A girl was standing on the roof of a high building. After finding out that her husband was cheating on her, she wanted to end with her life. After a short hesitation, she made a step forward. The girl fell fast towards the ground. But just before the death, the fear filled her soul. Suddenly she felt like she was in someone’s embrace. She opened her eyes and saw an angel, who was holding her in his hands.
– Why didn’t you let me fall? – She asked with anger.
– I will let you go if you agree to die understanding that there won’t be any memories of you left on earth, nothing.
– How is that? – asked the girl in surprise.
– You don’t have children, who would remember you, your mother is old and she will die soon. And everyone else…they will forget about you soon…
– And my husband? He will blame himself for my death. If he will feel remorse all his life, he will remember me.
– That won’t happen, he doesn’t love you, he is happy with another woman. And he won’t blame himself for a long time, soon he will forget you.
– Fine, I believe you. But I have things, photographs.
– Your apartment will burn down after one year. And all your things will turn into ash…
– But my friends have photos of me.
– You don’t have friends, – the angel said quite coldly.
– But… I am on the collective school photos.
Suddenly, the angel started to unclamp his hands.
– You are letting me go because I proved to you that there will be memories about me left? – The girl asked mockingly.
– No. You are clinging to the strings so hard; you are convincing me that I would let you die, just like others are clinging to some futile opportunities so that they could live. I don’t want to spend these moments with you, because I could help other people during that time. I want to give people a chance to live, not to die.

If all our wishes come true !!!

There was a little, but always cranky girl. Everything was bad for her. It wasn‘t enough toys, the gifts she was getting were wrong. She wished to meet an enchantress that would turn her life a fairy tale.
One day an enchantress came to the little girl and said that she will fulfil one of her wishes. The girl became very happy at first, but then she started to think: she had a lot of wishes and all of them were important for her. The girl thought for a long time, she could not choose just one. Then kind enchantress said that she gives her the fulfilment of one wish every day. The girl became happier: now all her dreams will come true. She thanked kind enchantress and ran home.
From that day she was waiting for every morning with joy and enthusiasm: because one more dream will come true for her. The days passed, the dreams came true… But soon the little girl realized that fulfilment of the wishes does not give her joy and happiness which she hoped for. Many wishes brought her disappointment, and some even a pain. Almost every dream was an empty little girl’s caprice. Being satisfied, she suddenly realized that she did not want this.
The girl was getting sadder and sadder day by day, and wish-fulfilment did not bring any joy to her. Soon she started to fear her own dreams.
So the girl went to the kind enchantress and asked her to take her terrible gift back. She was afraid to live, afraid to wake up every day, waiting for an imminent execution of another wish. Crying, she asked an enchantress to fulfil only one her dream: to live as she lived before and enjoy life. And that her many wishes would remain only the wishes, from which she will select the one she will bring to her life.
Kind enchantress had mercy upon the little girl. She waved her magic wand and disappeared. The girl ran home. She was happy, because she knew that now she would laboriously seek for her one big cherished dream, not wasting time with short-term, in fact, quite unnecessary whims.

The Plough

The war was going. Men were fighting. Women were carrying food to soldiers day and night, nursing the injured. In the village only old people and children remained.

One old man took an old plough and started sharpening it, mending it while singing something. His wife said to him with annoyance:

– You have a stone heart! Your sons joined a deadly battle, the village is in mourning. Your comrades are thinking about the fate of the village, and you, knowing this, are mending the plough and singing a song! If someone would ask, whom are you trying for, what would you say? Tomorrow the enemy will come here, they will kill you and us too, and they will take your plough.

– Woman, what are you talking? They will kill us, but not the plough. I’m building – not destroying. The world is resting on this plough: if we survive, we will need the plough, and if we die, maybe the love for labour will awaken in those who will take it. Maybe even I will be blessed. We don’t know, what is what in this world.

A Pound of Butter

There was a farmer who sold a pound of butter to the baker. One day the baker 

decided to weigh the butter to see if he was getting a pound and he found that 

he was not. This angered him and he took the farmer to court. The judge asked 

the farmer if he was using any measure. The farmer replied, amour Honor, I 

am primitive. I don't have a proper measure, but I do have a scale." The judge 

asked, "Then how do you weigh the butter?" The farmer replied "Your Honor, 

long before the baker started buying butter from me, I have been buying a 

pound loaf of bread from him. Every day when the baker brings the bread, I put 

it on the scale and give him the same weight in butter. If anyone is to be 

blamed, it is the baker."

What is the moral of the story? We get back in life what we give to others. Whenever you take an action, ask yourself this question: Am I giving fair value for the wages or money I hope to make? Honesty and dishonesty become a habit. Some people practice dishonesty and can lie with a straight face. Others lie so much that they don't even know what the truth is anymore. But who are they deceiving? Themselves

Never give up hope.

On Christmas day of 2012, my partner of 16 years very suddenly passed away as we were getting ready to Skype with our families for the holiday. He took his last breath in my arms. 

My life was ripped apart. I have periods of time I do not remember. I now know, a broken heart is a very real thing. I stumbled through the days. The laughter was gone. The joy and beauty were gone. 

A few months later I had to move. Pack everything in my world and move, now alone. 

I made it through. Stronger, more loving, more compassionate. I am alive and living a life I never dreamed of. I am surrounded by love and laughter. My eyes and my heart are wide open! I am so grateful to have known such love, and to know such love again. 

From death, came life. Never give up hope.

A Hug !!!

One day many years ago shortly after my husband passed away I sat on a bench near his grave in solitude and was remembering the wonderful life we had.

Tears were in my eyes and on my face. A young woman came near to visit the grave of a friend of hers and saw me. When she turned to leave she asked me if I was OK. 

I said I was, and she said to me, "you look like you could use a hug" at which time she approached me and gave me a big hug. 

It really restored my faith in human kindness. I will never forget that young woman or that incident.

Volley Ball

I had just a very wonderful day but, all my days are always wonderful to me! But today was completely different, today there was a bulletin board saying that they'll need to find Volleyball players for the girls and I was so happy! 

I love playing volleyball when my mother taught me how to play. I was so excited that I couldn't wait to play! Then I read more what was in that bulletin board and said that there would be an audition after three weeks! "Three weeks?!" I thought and think about it. 

I do know how to play volleyball but I'm not much of an expert in doing it but! I still have to try. After that I was determined to practice volleyball everyday, and since that day I planned on practicing starting the next day and I did. I practiced and practiced harder each day and I never get tired of doing the same practices through all the days, and finally, the day has come. I was so prepared for this and hurried to the gym to audition. Whence I had reached the gym I was surprised to see for like, 12 or 14 girls lining up! and I guess I was the last one to arrive. 

Then our auditions began, some of the girls failed to pass the auditions and some passed the auditions problem is, there was only 1 slot left to complete the 6 girls to join the volleyball team and suddenly I felt nervous because the person in front of me was going to take her serve. Then the girl hit the ball and then. . . . . . the ball didn't pass over the net. The girl slapped her forehead and left, leaving me standing in the middle of the court. 

Then the coach spoke "okay, you, serve" she handed me the ball and I caught it with my hands. As the ball was in my hands, my hands were suddenly sweating and so am I! I then suddenly became nervous about this 'maybe I should back off' I told myself very unsure that I will pass the auditions. Then it hit me. All of these practices that I've done the past 3 weeks was all for the day of the auditions where I'm sure I can pass it perfectly! I didn't practice playing volleyball for nothing, I practiced this for today, I was determined to do this so i have to do this with all my fighting spirit! Then I began, I came to a pause, inhaled deeply and exhaled. I swing my arm way back ahead and hit the ball and it. . . . . .and it. . . . . . . .and it. . . . . . . . . . Yes! and it passed over the net!!! I was so happy i jumped in joy! that was the highest serve I did in the past few weeks I practiced serving and this, this was the best I did! 

The coach clapped and the people around me gave an standing ovation and I was so proud of myself. And I realized that determination can make you to a successful ending.