Saturday 5 December 2015

Never give up hope.

On Christmas day of 2012, my partner of 16 years very suddenly passed away as we were getting ready to Skype with our families for the holiday. He took his last breath in my arms. 

My life was ripped apart. I have periods of time I do not remember. I now know, a broken heart is a very real thing. I stumbled through the days. The laughter was gone. The joy and beauty were gone. 

A few months later I had to move. Pack everything in my world and move, now alone. 

I made it through. Stronger, more loving, more compassionate. I am alive and living a life I never dreamed of. I am surrounded by love and laughter. My eyes and my heart are wide open! I am so grateful to have known such love, and to know such love again. 

From death, came life. Never give up hope.

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