Saturday 28 May 2016

Facebook Account

Once a youngster was scrolling through his facebook account, elder person who was sitting next to him asked the youngster if he can help him.

Youngster replied " Yes uncle, what you want to do ? "

Elderly person requested " Please create my fake facebook account, with female name & put DP of a nice latest model, please".

Youngster was stunned, he slowly asked elderly person if he was out of his mind...

Elderly person narrated, his only son has left him & staying with his wife at other place, he is not allowed to meet his grand children also, he narrated as to how he had brought his son up inspite of all the odds in his life, educated him, duly gave all his money etc to him...but to his bad luck currently situation is different then what he had anticipated.

When he would sent friend request from this Facebook id, he felt that his son would surely accept the same.

But what then ?.....the youngster asked.

Nothing , I would go in his account & look in pictures which are posted by him of his family, grand children and get satisfied.


You do or do not know misery of what your parents have gone through in their life to bring you up... atleast take care of them if you cannot keep them, talk to them once , meet them once, take them out... they will never wish from the bottom of their heart that you will not grow in your life.

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