Saturday 9 July 2016


Near the chocolate counter in the supermarket a little girl was profusely crying. The mother said,"Jennifer, relax. Jennifer, please relax. Don't behave in any way that will leave behind a bad impression." The little daughter's tantrum won't stop. She adds little scream to her crying. The mother again said,"Jennifer, relax. Don't get overtly perturbed. There is no need for a drama now.Jennifer, just relax." A man, who was observant of what was going on, approached the mother and said, "Madam, I know the little one's behaviour is out if control. Yet, don't you think you are using too much of an adult communication with a six-year-old?" The mother turned towards the man and replied, "What gave you this feeling that I am talking to my little girl? Jennifer is my name. I was actually giving auto-suggestions to myself, to calm me down."

While your success depends on what you communicate with others, your happiness depends on what you communicate to yourself. "Jennifer,reeelllaaax.Jennifer, just reelllaaaaax.

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