Thursday 18 August 2016

The Real You

How life turns out to be nobody can imagine, can anyone?? 
But what had really happened to our lives??? Do you question yourself just like I do??? 
Maybe the answer to that is, "We have grown up". How great it feels, isn't it??? "To be grown up"???

In my childhood, I used to notice people. I used to see my elders who were grown-up with smiles on their faces. They look happy always. I wished to be one soon so I can do whatever I want.

But growing up is much more than what I used to think.

Do you remember since the last time you were with your friends laughing without bothering what the other thinks about you?? The last time you danced in the rain?? The days when you had late night conversations with your best friend??? How skipping lectures had felt like?? How much fun it was mocking at enormous silly topics?? How delightful were our hearts like???

And now, do you miss all that?? If you don't, you have grown-up. But if you do, then stop pretending like one.

I think with the time, we have changed in many ways. We have learnt to satisfy the greed of our minds by ignoring the loneliness of the heart; we have learnt to bring happiness to our bodies by ignoring the demise of our soul inside; we have learnt to choke our emotions under the veil of the tag 'the grown-ups'. Now we know what's wrong and right but we have to follow the orthodox perceptions of the society.

I remember in the childhood our hearts used to be much happier than they are now. Try to ask yourself, if you are happy with everything that you have than everything that you had. You will get the answer where this growing up has been taking us.

Certainly now I have realised: Those ‘smiles’ that I used to notice as a child on the faces of grown-ups were just smirks to hide the cruelty of life, and my ‘whatever’ that I used to wish I will be doing is not my ‘whatever’ anymore.
And if this is growing up, then why do we grow up?? Because now when we are trying to be perfect in everything, we have realised that we were far better with our imperfections as a child; far better because we were true to ourselves then, and today, as we are grown-ups, are we “True to ourselves”???

Can life turn back again?? Yes, nobody can imagine that too.
But In your dream at least: do all those crazy things again, Show our innocent side, become obstinate, Smile adorably, Cry mischievously, Laugh hilariously, Get scolded, Get mocked, Live without worries, Wish without fear, and love without any greed??

Let your heart feel that you are still alive, and let your life see the real true innocent loving side. Because life is just not growing up, instead, it’s bringing the happiness up while you are growing.
So, next morning when you wake up let this universe meet the real you.

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