Saturday 8 October 2016

Value of Life

A man went to God and asked, "What's the value of life?"

God gave him one stone and said, "Find out the value of this stone, but don't sell it."

The man took the stone to an Orange Seller and asked him what it's cost would be.

The Orange Seller saw the shiny stone and said, "You can take 12 oranges and give me the stone."

The man apologized and said that the God has asked him not to sell it.

He went ahead and found a vegetable seller. "What could be the value of this stone?" he asked the vegetable seller. The seller saw the shiny stone and said, "Take one sack of potatoes and give me the stone."

The man again apologized and said he can't sell it.

Further ahead, he went into a jewellery shop and asked the value of the stone.

The jeweler saw the stone under a lens and said, "I'll give you 50 Lakhs for this stone." When the man shook his head, the jeweler said, "Alright, alright, take 2 crores, but give me the stone."

The man explained that he can't sell the stone. Further ahead, the man saw a precious stone's shop and asked the seller the value of this stone.

When the precious stone's seller saw the big ruby, he lay down a red cloth and put the ruby on it. Then he walked in circles around the ruby and bent down and touched his head in front of the ruby.

"From where did you bring this priceless ruby from?" he asked. "Even if I sell the whole world, and my life, I won't be able to purchase this priceless stone.

Stunned and confused, the man returned to the God and told him what had happened. "Now tell me what is the value of life, God?

God said, "The answers you got from the Orange Seller, the Vegetable Seller, the Jeweler & the Precious Stone's Seller explain the value of our life... You may be a precious stone, even priceless, but people may value you based on their level of information, their belief in you, their motive behind entertaining you, their ambition, and their risk taking ability. But don't fear, you will surely find someone who will discern your true value."

In the eyes of God you are very very precious. Respect yourself. You are Unique. No one can Replace you!

Don't worry

An elephant and a dog became pregnant at same time. Three months down the line the dog gave birth to six puppies. Six months later the dog was pregnant again, and nine months on it gave birth to another dozen puppies. The pattern continued.

On the eighteenth month the dog approached the elephant questioning, _”Are you sure that you are pregnant? We became pregnant on the same date, I have given birth three times to a dozen puppies and they are now grown to become big dogs, yet you are still pregnant. Whats going on?”._

The elephant replied, _”There is something I want you to understand. What I am carrying is not a puppy but an elephant. I only give birth to one in two years. When my baby hits the ground, the earth feels it. When my baby crosses the road, human beings stop and watch in admiration, what I carry draws attention. So what I’m carrying is mighty and great.”._

Don’t lose faith when you see others receive answers to their prayers.
Don’t be envious of others testimony. If you haven’t received your own blessings, don’t despair. Say to yourself “My time is coming, and when it hits the surface of the earth, people shall yield in admiration.

Fixing. ..

A man was asked to paint a boat.

He painted the boat a bright red, as the owner asked him.!

While painting, he realized there was a hole in the hull and decided to repair it.

After finishing the painting, he received his payment and left.!

The next day, the owner of the boat came to meet the painter and presented him a Cheque with huge amount !!

The painter got surprised:
- You've already paid me for painting the boat!
- he said.
- But this is not for the  painting !
It's for having repaired the hole in the boat.
- Ah! But it was such a small service ... certainly it's not worth paying me such a high amount for something so insignificant!

My dear friend, you do not understand.
Let me tell you what happened.

When I asked you to paint the boat, I forgot to mention about the hole.

When the boat dried, my kids took the boat and went on a fishing trip.

They did not know that there was a hole.
I was not at home at that time. When I returned and noticed they had taken the boat, I was desperate because I remembered that the boat had a hole.

Imagine my relief and joy when I saw them returning from fishing
Then, I examined the boat and found that you had repaired the hole! You see, now, what you did?

You saved the life of my children! I do not have enough money to pay your "small" good deed.

So, no matter who, when or how. Just continue to help, sustain, wipe tears, listen attentively and carefully repair all the "leaks" you find, because you never know when one is in need of us and important to someone.

And I'm sure ,  You might have repaired numerous "boat holes" along your way , without realizing how many lives you've saved.!


A perfect example for the dilemma we often face in any decision making.
A group of children were playing near two railway tracks, one still in use while the other not.
Only one child played on the unused track, the rest on the operational track.
A train is coming, and you are just beside the track interchange. You can make the train change its course to the unused track and save most of the kids.
However, that would also mean the lone child playing by the unused track would be sacrificed.
Or would you rather let the train go its way?
Let's take a pause to think what kind of decision we could make................
have u thought enough !!!!
Most people might choose to divert the course of the train, and sacrifice only one child. Save most of the children at the expense of only one child was rational decision most people would make, morally and emotionally.
But, have you ever thought that the child chose to play on the unused track had in fact made the right decision to play at a safe place?
Nevertheless, he had to be sacrificed because of his ignorant friends who chose to play where the danger was.
This kind of dilemma happens around us everyday. In the office, community, in politics and especially in a democratic society, the RIGHT is often sacrificed for the interest of the majority, no matter how foolish or ignorant the majority are, and how far-sighted and knowledgeable the wise are.
The great critic Leo Velski Julian who told the story said he would not try to change the course of the train because he believed that the kids playing on the operational track were aware that the track was still in use, and that they would run away when they hear the train's sirens.
Now, If the train was diverted, that lone child would definitely die because he never expects that a train could come over on the unused track!
Further, that track was not in use probably because it was not safe. If the train was diverted to such a track, we may put the lives of all passengers on board at stake! And in our attempt to save few kids thinking that the train may run over them, we might end up sacrificing hundreds of people.
While we are all aware that life is full of tough decisions that need to be made, we may not realize that hasty decision may not always be the right one.
"What's Right isn't always popular..
and what's popular isn't always Right."

Burdened Shoulders

When The first ray of sun touches our faces,

We get up  unwillingly to run our races.

The races of competition ,hopes and success

Has somewhere killed the innocent desires and made a mess

A Child today, is treated like a robot.

Without any mercy or a second thought.


He slowly gets used to this rush at an early age

Children feel like they're workers  without any wage.

Life revolves around Tuitions ,coaching and institutes.

Schools ,home works and creating disputes.

Children no more see each other as friends

They pretend friendship as a competition that never ends.


We compete for marks, grades, and the teacher's affections.

This is our fault but we can't give any contradictions.


Learning is no more treated as fun.

Looks like we need to catch up while run


Pressurised with schools

Tensed with coaching

Mugging up like fools

We see dark dreams of exams approaching


No time to eat, no time to play.

Sleepless nights and awake we stay.

Cravings for a small afternoon nap.

Reminds me of the tonnes of books on my lap.


Heavy bags carried on the shoulders,

The books and Gravity hits hard on us like boulders.

Hot afternoons and fidgety tantrums,

We feel being hit like drums.


Stress and depression

anxiety  and tension.

Diseases like these  are often signs

Of burdened shoulders and blank minds


What is the use of such education

Which teaches to mug up and there's no fun.


Bring back those days

where each cell was hungry for luminous knowledge,

There was awe and wonder for learning at each stage.

Bring back those days

when teachers and students shared a relation so crystal clear.

Not like nowadays where asking each doubt is a big fear.


bring back those days

when sports were Considered equal to studies.

And the days when knowledge, playground and classrooms we're best  buddies.


Still awaiting for these times to come with a u-turn,

Giving  studies and life skills equal  concern.

Think. ...

Worth reading:
A Rich man looked through his window and saw a man picking something from his dustbin. He said, Thank GOD I'm not poor.

The poor man looked around and saw a naked man misbehaving on the street. He said, Thank GOD I'm not mad.

The mad man looked ahead and saw an ambulance carrying a patient. He said, Thank GOD am not sick.

Then a sick person in hospital saw a trolley taking a dead body to the mortuary. He said, Thank GOD I'm not dead.

Why don't we thank GOD today for giving us the opportunity to live another day?

To understand it better, you have to go to 3 locations:

1. Hospital,
2. Prison &
3. Cemetery.

*At the Hospital, you will understand that nothing is more beautiful than HEALTH.

*In the Prison, you'll see that FREEDOM is the most precious thing.

*At the Cemetery, you will realize that life is worth nothing. The ground that we walk today will be our roof tomorrow.

Let us, therefore, remain humble and be grateful to God for everything.

Saturday 1 October 2016


There’s a bakery shop near to our house. Often, on my way back home in the evening, I buy some stuff for the morning breakfast.

Today, as I was about to leave the bakery, I met our neighbour Mr. Irfan who himself was leaving the same shop. After the exchange of some traditional greetings, the conversation went like following.

I asked: “What have you bought?”

Irfan replied: “Nothing much Hanif, just some chicken patties and some sweetmeats for my wife and children”.

Jokingly, I enquired, “Why so? Hasn't your wife cooked today?”

Irfan said: “No, Hanif, it’s not like that. Actually today in office we were a little hungry so my colleagues ordered some patties and sweetmeats. Since, I had this at the office I thought to buy some for my family too. It’s not fair that I eat whatever I like at the office while my kids and wife remain bound to eat whatever is cooked at home.”

Confounded with great surprise, I stared at him because I never thought this way before.

I said: “What’s the big deal, Irfan? If you eat food of your own choice at the office, your wife and children would also be having whatever they like to eat at home.”

Irfan replied: “Not at all, Hanif! My wife saves for me from everything there is. Even if someone from neighborhood sends something, my wife first saves some for me and then distributes it among my kids. It would be very selfish if I just enjoy good things with my friends and not with my family.”

Amazed upon hearing this I said: “Enjoying? This bakery stuff is what you think is enjoyment?”

He said: “Whatever Hanif! I dread the time when on the Day of Resurrection I’ll be questioned about this. That I took someone’s daughter into marriage and had fun with my friends while she ate whatever little was available.”

Completely stunned, I couldn’t move my eyes off him while he continued.

Irfan: “Look, when we get married to someone’s sister or daughter, they are human beings as well. Just like us. They too have hunger needs. They have their desires as well. They too wish to taste lots of delicious foods or foods of their choice, to try different kinds of lovely outfits. They also want to move and travel around. Keeping them caged like a bird, providing them meals twice a day and having a sense of smugness for doing all this is selfishness. And the way we treat the daughters of others is the way our own daughters and sisters will be treated because what goes around comes around.”

His last words shook me to a great degree. I never thought like this before. Concluding the conversation with Irfan I said, “Great! You have made me think from a different perspective.”

I turned back to the shop.

Irfan: “Where are you going?”

I replied, “To buy some ice-cream…actually I had some ice-cream at the office today.”

Irfan and Hanif took their respective paths. Irfan was glad to have a positive impact on Hanif. On the other hand, Hanif, now, knew how to keep his wife and kids happy and acknowledge all the efforts his wife does for his happiness.

What an eye opening story....

Wives are what makes life beautiful!

I have learned....

They're  written by Andy Rooney, a man who had the gift of saying so  much with so few words.  .........Enjoy.........

I've  learned ... That  the best classroom in the world is at the feet of an elderly  person.

I've  learned ....  That when you're in love, it shows. 

I've  learned ....  That just one person saying to me, 'You've made my day!'  makes my day.

I've  learned ....  That having a child fall asleep in your arms is one of the  most peaceful feelings in the  world.

I've  learned ....  That being kind is more important than being  right.

I've  learned ....  That you should never say no to a gift from a child.

I've  learned ....  That I can always pray for someone when I don't have the  strength to help him in some other way. 

I've  learned ....  That no matter how serious your life requires you to be,  everyone needs a friend to act goofy with. 

I've  learned ....  That sometimes all a person needs is a hand to hold and a  heart to understand.

I've  learned ....  That simple walks with my father around the block on summer  nights when I was a child did wonders for me as an  adult.

I've  learned ....  That life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it gets  to the end, the faster it goes.

I've  learned ....  That we should be glad God doesn't give us everything we ask  for.

I've  learned ....  That money doesn't buy class.

I've  learned ....  That it's those small daily happenings that make life so  spectacular.

I've  learned ....  That under everyone's hard shell is someone who wants to be  appreciated and loved.

I've  learned ....  That to ignore the facts does not change the  facts.

I've  learned ....  That love, not time, heals all  wounds.

I've  learned ....  That no one is perfect until you fall in love with them.

I've  learned ...  That life is tough, but I'm tougher. 

I've  learned ....  That opportunities are never lost; someone will take the  ones you miss.

I've  learned ....  That when you harbor bitterness, happiness will dock  elsewhere.

I've  learned ....  That one should keep his words both soft and tender, because  tomorrow he may have to eat them.

I've  learned .....  That a smile is an inexpensive way to improve your  looks.

I've  learned ....  That everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all  the happiness and growth occurs while you're climbing.


We have travelled through many lifetimes and lived with many different souls amid family, friends or those who don't really get along with us.

Some may have even tried to harm us emotionally, physically or spiritually. 
All said and done.

we all are the same and belong to only one group that is SOULS.

We all have travelled together in different lifetimes and have shared various relationships with each other........
drivers and 
even so-called enemies.

Each person is a Soul that tries to help the other move forward spiritually and reduce the Karmic baggage.

Sometimes the Soul that loves us the most, might willingly take birth as an enemy or a tormentor in a lifetime, just to help us work out our karma.

Thus, a person......who we think hates us and we in return hate.......... might be our greatest well-wisher spiritually.

He or She may be responsible for our becoming spiritual or compassionate. 
That very person who is creating hell in our lives may bring us closer to spirituality.

In the present lifetime, he/she may be doing so because that could be the only way to teach us a lesson.

Sometimes, a Soul is reborn just to comfort us and be there in times of need.

So, who is our friend and who is our enemy? 
They all are part of the Soul-Family who wants to help us and want help in return.

Sometimes an opportunity comes in the form of a Disaster.

Sometimes, the only way to grow spiritually and in life  is thru pain, sorrow and turmoil.

That is when Life seems strange.

Hence..... never form judgements.... abuse or hate....and never say nasty things about anyone. 
Who knows we may be harming the Soul who loves us the most spiritually but are not able to recognize it as the soul is wearing a different body in this particular lifetime.


A teacher teaching Maths to a six-year-old asked him, “If I give you one apple and one apple & one apple, how many apples will you have?”

With a few seconds the boy replied confidently, “Four!”

The dismayed teacher was expecting an effortless correct answer.

She was disappointed. “May be the child did not listen properly,” she thought.

She repeated, “pls listen carefully.

It is very simple. You will be able to do it right if you listen carefully.

If I give you one apple and one apple and one apple, how many apples will you have?”

The boy had seen the disappointment on his teacher’s face.

He calculated again on his fingers.

But within him he was also searching for the answer that will make his teacher happy.

This time hesitatingly he replied, “Four...”

The disappointment stayed on teacher’s face.

She remembered that the boy loves strawberries.

She thought maybe he doesn’t like apples and that is making him lose focus.

This time with exaggerated excitement & twinkling eyes she asked ...

“If I give you one strawberry & one strawberry & one strawberry, then how many will you have?”

Seeing the teacher happy, the young boy calculated on his fingers again.

There was no pressure on him, but a little on the teacher.

She wanted her new approach to succeed.

With a hesitating smile, the young boy replied, “Three?”

The teacher now had a victorious smile. Her approach had succeeded.

She wanted to congratulate herself.

But one last thing remained.

Once again she asked him, “Now if I give you one apple and one apple and one more apple how many will you have?”

Promptly the answer was “Four!”

The teacher was aghast.

“How.... tell me, How?” she demanded in a little stern and irritated voice.

In a voice that was low and hesitating young boy replied, “Because I already have one apple in my bag.”

*Lessons to Learn:* When someone gives you an answer that is different from what you are expecting, it is not necessarily they are wrong.

There may be an angle that we may not have understood at all.

We need to learn to appreciate and understand different perspectives.

Quite often, we try and impose our perspectives on others and then wonder what went wrong.

The next time someone gives you a different perspective than yours, sit down and gently ask " can you please help me understand"?......


When do we know that we have Grown Up?

Somewhere between “Crying loudly to seek attention” and “Crying silently to avoid attention”, we grew up!!

Somewhere between “Believing in happy endings” and “Accepting the reality”, we grew up!!

Somewhere between “ Yay! I can write with a pen tomorrow” and “Dude, Do you have an extra pen?”, we grew up!!

Somewhere between “Mom, I want to distribute chocolates on my birthday” AND “Chal, my treat today”, we grew up!!

Somewhere between “Cartoons” and “News Bulletins”, we grew up!!

Somewhere between “Just five more mins Mom” and “Pressing the snooze button”, we grew up!!

Somewhere between “Crying out loud just to get what we want” and “Holding our tears when we are broken inside”, we grew up!!

Somewhere between “We are Best Friends Forever” and “Knowing that nothing truly lasts”, we grew up!!

Somewhere between “I want to grow up” and “I want to be a child again”, we grew up!!

Somewhere between “Lets meet and plan” and “Lets plan and meet”, we grew up!!

Somewhere between “Crush” and “Ex”, we grew up!!

Somewhere between “Having hundreds of friends” and “Having few good friends”, we grew up!!

Somewhere between “Parents fulfilling our wish” and “We Fulfilling our parent’s dream”, we grew up!!

Somewhere between “ 7 pani puris for 1 rupee” and “1 pani puri for 7 rupees”, we grew up!!

Somewhere between “Showing off the number of rakhis” and “Running away from Rakhis”, Boys grew up!!

Somewhere between “Ground mai aaja” and “Online aaja”, we grew up!!

Somewhere between “Craving for pizza” and “Craving for home food”, we grew up!!

Somewhere between “Waking up at 6 am” and “Sleeping at 6 am”, we grew up!!

As we grew up, we realized that our life has changed !!!