Saturday 8 October 2016

Burdened Shoulders

When The first ray of sun touches our faces,

We get up  unwillingly to run our races.

The races of competition ,hopes and success

Has somewhere killed the innocent desires and made a mess

A Child today, is treated like a robot.

Without any mercy or a second thought.


He slowly gets used to this rush at an early age

Children feel like they're workers  without any wage.

Life revolves around Tuitions ,coaching and institutes.

Schools ,home works and creating disputes.

Children no more see each other as friends

They pretend friendship as a competition that never ends.


We compete for marks, grades, and the teacher's affections.

This is our fault but we can't give any contradictions.


Learning is no more treated as fun.

Looks like we need to catch up while run


Pressurised with schools

Tensed with coaching

Mugging up like fools

We see dark dreams of exams approaching


No time to eat, no time to play.

Sleepless nights and awake we stay.

Cravings for a small afternoon nap.

Reminds me of the tonnes of books on my lap.


Heavy bags carried on the shoulders,

The books and Gravity hits hard on us like boulders.

Hot afternoons and fidgety tantrums,

We feel being hit like drums.


Stress and depression

anxiety  and tension.

Diseases like these  are often signs

Of burdened shoulders and blank minds


What is the use of such education

Which teaches to mug up and there's no fun.


Bring back those days

where each cell was hungry for luminous knowledge,

There was awe and wonder for learning at each stage.

Bring back those days

when teachers and students shared a relation so crystal clear.

Not like nowadays where asking each doubt is a big fear.


bring back those days

when sports were Considered equal to studies.

And the days when knowledge, playground and classrooms we're best  buddies.


Still awaiting for these times to come with a u-turn,

Giving  studies and life skills equal  concern.

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