Wednesday 7 June 2017


A small boy used to pass by an Air conditioner at the back of an office, with his father. He had noticed the hotness of its back side each time he passed.

One day He told the father He was never going to buy such, for the fact that it was hot (in the outside). The father laughed and decided to take him in.

When the got into the office, he exclaimed "wow!" And then he asked "Dad, what is responsible for the cool atmosphere of this place?" The father answered, "Air conditioner!"

He argued that it should be a special make unlike the one at the back of the office.

Then his father told him, "That's how the manufacturer has made it- cold at a side and hot at the other."

You see, Life is like that air-conditioner; and Like the boy, where you stand and view it will depend on what you will call it.

Now, how do you see this word, "DISABLE?"  As for me, I see it as 'DIS ABLE' meaning "THIS-ABLE!"

Until now, Greatest of opportunities are found in greatest of impossibilities.

You'll have to start seeing your sorrow as "so... row!" Meaning row, i.e move on!

Still, God's definition of weakness is strength and that of poverty is riches.

And until we begin to see things beyond the scope of this thing that we call "naked eyes", the world will not be a better place.

Until we stop to walk by sight, and take it up with faith, we would be costumed into believing that bumps of difficulties are in every road of possibilities.

Today, there is going to be another opportunity, greater than that of yesterday, hence the need to make good use of it.

If you have faith, You shall be glad you see today!


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