Sunday 23 July 2017

Good Job

A couple of weeks ago a child therapist whom I know looked at my kids and said,

"You're such a good mum"

Feeling like a total fraud I blurted, "I don't feel like a good mum. The kids are driving me so crazy, I'm losing my temper and falling asleep at night wondering where am I  going to get the patience for another day"

To which she responded with a statement that I haven't been able to forget,

"Babies cry, it's how they communicate. Toddlers scream, children whine and teenagers complain.
Then mums say the words 'for heaven sake (under their breath before responding every time) It's how we communicate.

But then guess what? It's better than silence.

A house full of screaming kids and fighting teenagers and a parent  who faces barrage of questions and requests is a healthy one to me.
It's the silent children, the scared toddlers, the teenagers that don't come home and the parents who aren't in communication with their children that I worry about.

And kids don't drive you crazy, you were crazy already. That's why you had them."

And just like that, I felt like a good parent again.

Deep breaths, you're doing a good job.

Good day...

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