Thursday 5 July 2018

Change is constant

I read a thought somewhere long ago,

“ The only constant thing in this world is Change “.

At that time I could refer and understood with reference to the circumstances only .....but I was wrong..... CHANGE is applicable to everything we come across everyday.

Date changes everyday, Time changes every second, People change, their opinion change, their behaviour change, taste changes, preference changes, mode of communication also changes with time.

It is clear that if you want to get successful or you want to go ahead in Life, all you need to do is to adapt the changing trend, I.e Change yourself.

The passing time and circumstances during last 8/9 years has bought tremendous Change in my thoughts as well as behaviour.

I don’t know about others but yes I was very much clear that I don’t want to change myself, why should I change ?

Maybe I was afraid to change..... But as I saw people changing, their approach changing and moreover their thoughts changing, I understood that CHANGE is inevitable.

Yes, I have tried to change myself..... I have tried and started thinking out of the box ( haven’t found that Box yet though 🤔 ) .....

I have started to TRY becoming selfish to some extent..... have tried breaking the barriers of mindset established since years .....

On personal grounds - initial results are disastrous ..... On professional grounds - Yes suffered some setbacks but I am not going to give up this time.....

But ..... Yes ..... I have become a different person ..... I don’t get angry quickly ..... I enjoy everything I do ..... I have started taking calculative risks ..... I don’t dislike anyone ..... I have become Grudgesfree ..... I smile a lot and moreover I have started accepting everything as it comes.....

Every morning I wake up and try to find a reason to smile ..... something on which I can work upon ..... someone to whom I can be a support .....

So tomorrow morning ..... I am going to take first step of Faith in the direction of change, I have thought of ..... just because

“ The only constant thing in this world is Change “.

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