Sunday 7 June 2020

8 minute movie

A movie theater announced that an 8-minute movie won the title of Best Short Film in the World ...

So, it was decided to show this movie in the cinema hall for free, so that a large number of people could watch it.
The movie began with a snapshot of a room ceiling that was devoid of any decoration. Just a white ceiling ...

3 minutes passed without the camera moving and it did not move to any other scene, or any other part of the room.

Another 3 minutes passed without the camera moving and without changing the scene 

After 6 boring minutes, the viewers started grumbling;  Some of them were about to leave the theater hall;  And some of them objected to the officials of the house because they wasted their time watching a ceiling ...

Suddenly, before the majority could leave, the camera lens slowly moved on a wall without any details as well until it reached down towards the floor, there a child appeared on a bed, who seems to be totally handicapped due to the spinal cord defect in his little body ...

The camera slowly moved to the side of the bed, showing a wheelchair.

The camera moved to the ceiling again;  

Then a message appeared: 
"We showed you only 8 minutes of this child's daily activity, only 8 minutes from the scene that this handicapped child watches all hours of his life, and you complained and weren’t patient for only six minutes.

You couldn't bear to watch it ..!
So know the value of every second of your life that you spend in wellness, and thank your God for every Blessing Bestowed on you.

The Lockdown has forced us to have the time to think about our lives and the many privileges that we have.

We thank God for the Blessing of the freedom of movement to go out of the house to see life, breathe the air, and experience 

LIFE in its various colors ...

Appreciate LIFE  ❤️


  1. Superb Story So true great almighty god has gifted us Life , full of colors, sound, touch ,feelings, emotions .we forget everything and start getting angry n upset for small small matters. Forget to enjoyy life.
