Thursday 2 June 2022

I am Happy

It was a woman's habit that she used to write her day's happiness on a paper, before going to bed every day.... One night she wrote:

I'm happy, that my husband snores hard, all night. Because He is alive, and I have. Thank you, God..

I'm happy, that my son fights early in the morning over the fact that mosquito-bugs don't let sleep overnight. That means he spends the night at home, not roaming. Thanks to God..

*I am happy,* that, every month I have to pay a good tax on electricity, gas, petrol, water etc. That means all these things are with me, in my use. How difficult would life be if it wasn't there? Thanks to God..

I'm happy, that by the end of the day, my tiredness becomes worse. That means I have the strength and courage to work hard throughout the day, only by the grace of God..

I'm happy, that everyday I have to sweep my house, and clean doors and windows. Thankfully, I have a home. What would be the condition of those who do not have a roof? Thank you, God..

I'm happy, that sometimes, I get a little sick. That means I am mostly healthy. Thank you, God..

I'm happy, that every year in giving gifts on festivals, the purse becomes empty. Means I have loved ones, my dear ones, relatives, friends, whom I can gift them. If this is not there, then how dull* life would be..? Thank you, God..

I'm happy, that I wake up, at the sound of the alarm everyday. That means I am blessed to see a new dawn, everyday. This too, is God's blessing..

By implementing this formula of living, you and your people's life should be made of peace. Look for happiness in small or big troubles, in every situation, thank God for making your life happy.. ,!!!! 

Don't give up just by reading
Think once and implement in your Life 

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