Sunday 31 July 2022

Shedding your skin

The process of molting is the ancient sacred symbol for transformation. Molting is a way of ensuring the body grows and sets the creature up for the next stage of life. 

Many organisms such as spiders, insects, birds, snakes, and crustaceans molt. In order to grow, they must shed their skin. They shed their outer layer. This process is painful, dangerous, but necessary for growth. 

Take the example of the snakes. The snake's insides are literally outgrowing its outsides, and it must remove its restrictive, outermost layer. 

This shape-shifting life cycle represents rebirth and renewal, the enigmatic power of life to thwart death. 

Just as a snake sheds its skin and other organisms too, get rid of what no longer serves. Think as to what skin do you need to shed now in order to grow ? 

The skin of self-limitation ?
The skin of fear and stuck-ness ?

Letting go completely allows the next stage of growth to flow in. 

That’s the freedom you’ll feel once you drop the skin that’s holding you back. Feel the expansiveness as you move into the new, bigger, more expanding you and explore the path that has now opened up before you.

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