Sunday 22 January 2023

when you grow old..

Imagine the retired, elderly you.
On a porch in a rocking chair. 
Looking back on your life.
Got that image? Good. Now I would love to talk to you about this. 

Studies show that, the biggest regret elderly people have, is not what they did, it is what they didn't do. They never spoke about what they wanted to do and who they wanted to be.
How sad would it be to get to the end of your life, and realize you never truly lived. To only then realise that this is your life, nobody else's.

No matter how much your society, your parents, your friends, or whoever want you to live or the way they want you to live, you run the show!

When you shut your eyes, and go to sleep at night, the entire world ceases it to exist. And when you wake up, it's born again.

This IS your life and you are in control of it. You have to do what feels right in your heart.
Now, go back to the rocking chair.

Think what would your future self say to you right now. About the ideas you never created, the books you never wrote, the words you never spoke.

All because you are tired or you are scared, or you want to ‘fit-in and be cool’. 

But greatness isn't about being cool, and great men or women would never fit in, because they stand out.

But I get it! You want it easy.
But if greatness was so easy, you would see a lot of successful people. And a lot of great people.

Astronauts, professional athletes, or even superheroes!
But you don't.

You see a lot of people within mouse, trying to get likes.
But they don't even like themselves!

See. The difference between winners and losers is persistent, and isn't talent, it's persistence.
My teacher told me about the bamboo tree. After planting the bamboo seed, it takes five years for it to break through the ground. That's five whole years of attention, care, and water everyday. If you miss a day, it dies right there. But once it breaks through the ground after those five years, within five weeks, it grows ninety feet tall.
So your journey isn't going to be easy. It's going to take time.
And when you have a dream, people are going to laugh at you. Simply because they don't see what you see.

They'll say, "What is that idiot doing watering the ground?"
They're incapable of seeing a plant that is planted inside of you.

They have sight, but no vision. Only you have that vision.

So let them laugh. They'll say, "Get real, be real with it!"
But realism, is often an in-excuse to a pessimist. And you can't let others people's opinion define your reality. So let them laugh!  

But I do guarantee you, you won't find one successful person in history that people didn't laugh at. 

Stop worrying about your reputation. Your reputation is only what people think about you. 

You care first about who you are! Make that commitment. To yourself. Whole-heartedly. Stop thinking and just do it. Do it for you, the real you. Because you deserve it.

You don't get to do life over. So live your dreams. 

You don't have to be great to get started. But you have to start to be great.

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