Sunday 30 April 2023

Hard Work

Mark Spitz created a new world record in swimming by winning seven gold medals at Munich. Some people thought it must be his lucky day. Mark Spitz was at Mexico in 1968 and won three gold medals.
He was happy but unhappy. 

From 1968 to 1972, from Mexico to Munich, he trained 10,000 hours and if you're good at maths, it translates to 2,500 hours per year and if you are good at calculus that translates into close to 8 hours per day, no Sunday.

You go sit in the water 8 hours per day for the next four years, your body will shrivel.

Did he get lucky? Luck is not designed to deliver you these things in life.
An athletes train 15 years for a 15 second performance. Go and ask them if they got lucky. 

There is no substitute to hard work.

Most people want to win in life but very few are willing to pay the price to prepare to win.
If you are willing to train 10,000 hours, like Mark Spitz, probably you could be at the olympics too. The question is,
Are you willing to do it?

Success is not
 that you run into by accident. 

It takes a lot of preparation and character.
It takes sacrifice and self-discipline.

The harder you work, the luckier you get.

If people knew how hard I had to work to get my mastery, It wouldn't seem wonderful at all.

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