Wednesday 7 September 2011

Little Dog

Once I was feeling so down in my life that I felt like there was no hope. Until...... one day during my office break I was sitting alone in the garden area near my office building. I was knee deep in my misery - thinking about all the wrong things going wrong in my life. I sat there for quite some time until, I saw a dog with one of his one leg missing. I noticed that dog get tired after covering few step; but, he kept at it. That dog was doing his best to reach his destination in spite of his challenge.

Even more amazing was the look on that dog's face and his animated stride. He didn't feel sorry for himself! He was living his life.

Suddenly, a smile came on my face, as a thought occurred to me. "Life is not about whining or pitying over what is missing in your life. It's about carrying on with what is available to you. If you get tired along the journey, simply take rest, but don`t give up. I'm grateful for just an amazing source of inspiration

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