Monday 26 September 2011

The only person standing in your way.

I had a profound experience when working on a Bachelor's degree from my University. I was a average student, but I was good in extra-curriculum activities. I was so good at dancing that I became the lead dancer in my college.

One day, a dance competition was held. I was the leading dancer from my faculty. Although there were many good dancers, I was not afraid. However, I spotted a dancer representing another commerce faculty. This person was extremely good. I mean - he was amazing. After observing him, I lost my confidence, because this guy seemed better than me.

After his performance, my name was announced. Suddenly, I did not feel prepared. I moved to stage to perform my dance. However, my mentor saw my nervousness. He took hold of both my hands and said, "You can do this. Just believe in yourself, because the only person standing in your way is YOU."

I moved forward with newfound determination -giving a great performance. Best of all, I won that competition.

I learned a very valuable lesson that day. I learned that no one can beat us unless we let them. We have believe in ourselves and get our best anyways. When we do that - most things turn out alright in the end.

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