Wednesday 19 October 2011

Sean Swarner

Never quit, never give up and you will always succeed must surely be the words by which Sean Swarner lives. This young man has conquered problems that many people had assured him were insurmountable. Through his exhilarating, exuberance for life against all odds he has inspired millions of individuals around the world.

Sean Swarner was first diagnosed with deadly cancer when he was only 13 years old. After battling his way through this disease he was once again diagnosed with a different type of cancer at 16. Not only was this new diagnosis emotionally devastating, he was told he only had 2 weeks left to live and a priest was summoned to perform the Last Rites.

Family, friends and the medical establishment were once again amazed when Swarner triumphed over cancer for the second time. After cheating death twice while still a teenager Sean Swarner realized how truly precious life was and he was determined to live his own life to the fullest potential possible.

Sean decided that there would be nothing too high, too difficult or too impossible for him to accomplish. Then he set out to show the world the powerful strength of the human spirit.

He became the first cancer survivor to scale Mount Everest. This meant that Sean Swarner, with only partial lung capacity, was able to reach the highest point on Earth. With this heroic achievement under his belt he continued to climb mountains in South America, Antarctica, Africa, Europe and Australia.

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