Sunday 25 July 2021

Joy of giving

I got on the bus. I got upset seeing the crowd inside. There was no place to sit. Just then, a person vacated his seat. The man standing next to the vacant seat could have sat there, but instead he offered me a seat.

The same thing happened again at the next stop. He gave his seat to another. This happened 4 times during the whole journey. The man seemed like a normal worker, returning home after a long day's work… At the last stop when we all got off, I talked to him.

"Why were you giving your seat to someone else every time you got a vacant seat.

His answer surprised me :

"I haven't studied much in my life and I don't know many things. I don't have much money, So I don't have much to give to anyone. That's why I do this everyday. This is something that I can do. I can do it easily.

I can stand for a while even after working all day. I gave my seat to you and you said *thank you*. It gives me satisfaction that I have done something for someone."

I do this on a daily basis and feel that I am contributing in some way. I come home every day refreshed and happy that I gave something to someone."
I was speechless!!!
The desire to do something for someone is the ultimate gift.

This stranger taught me a lot - How easy it is to become rich from within!

Beautiful clothes, lots of money in a bank account, expensive gadgets, accessories and luxuries or an educational degree - can't make you rich and happy; But a small act of giving is enough to make you feel rich and happy everyday.

#babasgyan #joyofgiving

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