Tuesday 20 July 2021

Seeds to Sow

A merchant from Baghdad entered a Sufi's shop, which had essence jars on the shelves.
Marveling at the beauty of the place, he asked, "Sir, what is sold here?"

The Sufi replied, "The gifts of God".

The merchant was surprised with the answer, & asked, "And how much do they cost?"

"Nothing, here all is for free", said the Sufi, observing carefully, that the traveller could see the labels: "Jugs of Love"; "Jars of Faith"; "Packages of Hope".

The merchant said, "A big jug of love, all the packages of hope & three jars of faith for me, my friends & my family".

The Sufi carefully prepared the order & handed him a small box.  

Surprised, the merchant exclaimed, "But, but.... how can everything I have asked for, be in this tiny box?"

Smiling, the Sufi replied, “In God's store, we do not sell fruits, only seeds. 
You have to sow them.

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