Sunday 29 May 2022

Stop Worrying

Know one thing – one day you are going to go under the ground. You will be finished. Everybody else will also be finished. What are you worried about? You are worried about money? You are worried about somebody’s opinion? You are worried about prestige? You are worried about your health? There are four things that people worry about –Money, Relationship, Prestige and Health! All of them is going to go away one day. Then why worry.

 See life from a bigger context. Ten years ago, didn’t you worry? You are still alive. Five years ago, didn’t you worry? You are still alive. Three years back you worried. This worrying did not do anything to you. You only created more toxins in your body. Life anyway goes on.

 Life is a balance between free will and destiny. How many of you have this question about free will and destiny? (Many in the audience raise their hands). Is life all destined or is it all free will? I tell you, life is a combination of both free will and destiny. Your height is your destiny but your weight is your freewill.

 You can’t say this my destiny is to weigh 100 kilos. I will tell you to get on to the treadmill. And don’t eat those burgers. So, your weight is your free will and your height is your destiny. 

Similarly, it’s raining is destiny, whether to get wet or not is your free will..

Sunday 22 May 2022

Group member

A man, who regularly attended family & group meetings suddenly, without any notice, stopped participating. 
After a few weeks, one very cold night the leader of that group decided to visit him.

He found the man at home, alone, sitting in front of a fireplace where a bright fire burned.

The man welcomed the leader. There was great calm & silence.

The two men only watched the dancing flames around the logs that crackled in the fireplace.

After a few minutes the leader, without saying a word, examined the logs that formed the fire and selected one of them, glowing most brightly of all, and removed it to the side with a pair of tongs. Then he sat down again.

The host was paying attention to everything, fascinated. Before long, the lone log’s flame subsided, until there was only a momentary glow and the fire soon went out.
In a short time what was previously bright light and heat had become nothing more than a black dead piece of wood.
Very few words had been spoken since the greeting.

Before preparing to leave, the leader picked up the useless piece of wood with the tongs  and placed it again in the middle of the fire. Immediately, the piece of wood was rekindled, fuelled by the light and heat of the burning logs around it.

When the leader was about to leave & had reached the door, the host said: ‘Thank you for your visit and for your beautiful lesson. I'll return to the group soon.’

Why is a group important in our lives ?

Very simple:
Because each member that withdraws takes fire and heat from the rest.

It's worth reminding group members that they are a part of the flame.

It's also good to remind us that we are all responsible for keeping each other's flame burning. And we must promote the union among us so that the fire is really strong, effective and lasting. Keep the fire burning.

It doesn't matter if sometimes we are bothered by so many messages, quarrels and misunderstandings. 

What matters is to be connected. We are here to meet, message, learn, exchange ideas or simply to know that we are not alone.

Let's keep the flame alive.

Life is beautiful with friends and family.

Tuesday 10 May 2022


Once a king wanted to know about his future, so a Brahmin fortune teller was called upon. The Brahmin was very learned, he studied king’s horoscope and told him, “O mighty king! You will witness the death of all your family members before you die.” The king, terribly shaken and upset. immediately ordered the brahmin’s arrest.
There was another Brahmin in a nearby city, when he came to know about this incident, he also wanted to try his luck. He went to the king’s court and announced that he could predict the future accurately. So king’s horoscope was given to him. After reading it he smiled and said, “O mighty king, you are so lucky. You shall live the longest in your family.” The king was very happy. Needless to say, king’s happiness turned into disproportionate magnanimity and the poor Brahmin was richly rewarded. 

Both astrologers read the same thing, but they chose different words to communicate it. In a world that’s changing by the minute, where cut throat competition is making the turf change every minute, it’s important that we carefully choose the words we use while communicating with our clients, colleagues and near and dear ones. Let’s keep the following Boyzone song always in our mind,,,

It’s only words 
and words are all I have 
to take your heart away…

Our words are birds, their flight can redefine the sky for us …so,think before you speak to your clients or colleagues in an internal meeting in office or even when you talk to a little child. Your words can make a meaningful difference.

Tuesday 3 May 2022

Life puzzle


Whatever pain you’ve been through. Whatever pain you’re going through… know that it wasn’t sent to make you weaker… know that it was sent to make you stronger. Trust that it wasn’t sent to beat you down… but to raise you up. Trust that it wasn’t sent to break you, but to make you.

Think of your life like a giant puzzle. In order to complete the puzzle. The masterpiece that is your life… every piece is just as important as the other. You have different shapes, different colours… on their own they seem random and incomplete… but together they make sense. Once all the pieces come together you can see the bigger picture… You have to be able to see the bigger picture in your life… or at least have faith your puzzle will come together in time.

But your puzzle won’t come together unless you have your eyes open… If you quit and walk away… your puzzle will never come together. If you give up at the first sign of struggle you might not get to see the bigger picture of your life. Your masterpiece will come together… piece by piece if you keep going. Your pain is a part of the puzzle that is your life. You might think you could do without those pieces… but without them you’re not whole… youre missing something…

Every single part of a puzzle is as important as the next piece… and likewise every single event of your life made you who you are today. Without pain and struggle you wouldn’t have strength and character. Without negative people you might not appreciate the positive people in your life. Without that rejection or break up you might not have been guided to something better. Without that person saying you couldn’t do it, you might not have had the motivation to do it. Without sadness and depression you might lack the compassion and caring you have today. Without experiencing what YOU DO NOT WANT… you may not be so clear as to what you do want. Without painful endings you may not have been led to that great new beginning.

There is a reason and a purpose in everything, and a true blessing in everything if you can open your eyes to see it and open your heart to know it. Don’t ask why me. Don’t say I didn’t deserve this… Ask How can I use this? How can this make me stronger, better, wiser. Use the pain in your life as fuel to take you wherever you need to go.

Use the mess in your life as a blessing to take you some place better. Have faith and trust that some endings are sent for new beginnings. It might not feel great at the time, but keep your head up and be open to the fact that you deserve better and if you keep believing you’ll get better. Be open to the fact that you can’t see the rest of the puzzle just yet… but just trust it will be a masterpiece… If you keep believing, have faith, keep growing and working on yourself… everything will come together perfectly… at the right time.

All of us experience pain and hard times… only some of us USE that pain to grow. Don’t just go through it. Grow through it. It will make you better if you can find the courage inside you to keep going. Come out the other side of your pain stronger, better and wiser. Your greatest life can not be lived without the strength that comes from your struggles.

Your best life cannot be lived without great challenges. Trust this is a part of life. Find the purpose in the pain. Be one of the few who see the message in the mess. Be one of the few who gain the strength through the struggle. Who see the blessing in the lessons.

The Rock once said: “I like to use the hard times in the past to motivate me today.” Use the hard times of your past to motivate you, not as an excuse, but as your purpose.

Sunday 1 May 2022

Invisible Labels

A car ahead was moving like a Turtle and not giving me way inspite of my continuous honking! I was on brink of losing my cool when I noticed the small sticker on the car’s rear!

“Physically challenged; Please be patient.”

And that changed everything!! I immediately went calm & slowed down!! In fact I got a little protective of the car & the driver!!! I reached work a few minutes late, but it was ok!

And then it struck me.  Would I have been patient if there was no sticker!???! Why do we need stickers to be patient with people!?? 

Will we be more patient & kind with others if people had labels pasted on their foreheads?? 
Labels like :
“ Lost my job” 
“Fighting cancer”
“Going through a bad divorce” 
“Suffering Emotional abuse “
"Lost a loved one”
“Feeling worthless”
“ Financially messed up” & more like these!

Everyone is fighting a battle we know nothing about. The least we can do is be Patient & Kind!

Let us respect the INVISIBLE LABELS