Tuesday 10 May 2022


Once a king wanted to know about his future, so a Brahmin fortune teller was called upon. The Brahmin was very learned, he studied king’s horoscope and told him, “O mighty king! You will witness the death of all your family members before you die.” The king, terribly shaken and upset. immediately ordered the brahmin’s arrest.
There was another Brahmin in a nearby city, when he came to know about this incident, he also wanted to try his luck. He went to the king’s court and announced that he could predict the future accurately. So king’s horoscope was given to him. After reading it he smiled and said, “O mighty king, you are so lucky. You shall live the longest in your family.” The king was very happy. Needless to say, king’s happiness turned into disproportionate magnanimity and the poor Brahmin was richly rewarded. 

Both astrologers read the same thing, but they chose different words to communicate it. In a world that’s changing by the minute, where cut throat competition is making the turf change every minute, it’s important that we carefully choose the words we use while communicating with our clients, colleagues and near and dear ones. Let’s keep the following Boyzone song always in our mind,,,

It’s only words 
and words are all I have 
to take your heart away…

Our words are birds, their flight can redefine the sky for us …so,think before you speak to your clients or colleagues in an internal meeting in office or even when you talk to a little child. Your words can make a meaningful difference.

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