Friday 11 November 2011

Celebrating Failures

The Ore-Ida frozen potato company celebrates anniversaries of failure (They're the folks who make frozen cauliflower, broccoli, mushrooms, French fries, etc.... and they are famous for innovative, creative ideas.) What do they do when one of those ideas bomb?  Do they blame or fire somebody No, they throw a party! Literally.

A cannon is fired and everybody stops work to commemorate the "perfect failure." together they rejoice in what they've learned. They talk about what will not work, reveling in the fact that no more time, energy, or money has to be spent on a thankless project.

You see, nothing in our lives is wasted. Not one thing that happens is without worth somewhere down the road. But we often miss it because we "travel the beaten path" and fail to open our eyes to the outlandish ways God wants to speak to us and love us and change us. We don't recognize the value in celebrating the strange twists, the difficulties, the so-called failure, when we really should.... and could. We consider or flops or hard times a defeat, but in reality they are God's greatest compliments.

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