Tuesday 22 November 2011

Holy Man

Very long ago there lived an old man in a village close to the hills. He helped the villagers with wise words whenever they were in trouble. His fame spread far and wide.

A farmer from a neighboring village came to visit him one day.

Reaching the house of the holy man, he asked an old servant at the gate.

"I want to see the holy man," said the farmer.

The old servant took him in and then led him out in two minutes.

Shocked by his behavior, the farmer protested, "But said I want to see the holy man."

"You have already seen him. See every man you meet as a holy man; and you'll never need to travel so far to see another holy man again," said the holy man.

Note: Quite often we have a preconceived notion of things. We see the world through one jaundiced lens or the other. And consequently face failure. We must face each moment fresh and the truth will dawn on us. We think highly only of that which is grand, fantastic, well educated, beautiful, powerful and so on. We thnk that which is simple is not worth attention or respect. The simple and humble are truly the great.

I think is very simple till we start complicating things by trying to find a reason why things happen and so on. Just live life like farmers of yester years - simple, full of happiness and you'll find your self blessed.

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