Saturday 21 November 2015

It's not about money only.....

Of course money can play a big part in work motivation (we all need to pay our bills, after all), but the pay check alone just isn´t enough to carry you to that magical good feeling place about your job. If I remember correctly, a study I read said money motivates you for six months only in the workplace.

I can speak from my own experience: I worked in sales for many years. It is quite common for salespeople to change jobs when they are promised a bigger salary. I did that too - and ended up in less than unpleasant work environments as a result.

Some of those experiences were very unpleasant, despite the higher salary, but on hindsight I learned to search for motivation in the workplace in the most difficult of situations. And I also found it - though it sure wasn´t always easy. Even though I eventually left those jobs, learning to find motivation was a great gift. And for that I shall always be grateful. I realized there were only two options: either I would give in and continue working feeling miserable and hating my life - or I could try to find my own inner strength.

Also I learned quite a remarkable thing: changing jobs isn´t a magical way to happiness - because I take myself with me where ever I go. If problems were caused by my own behaviour, similar situations arose in the new workplace as well - and made me understand where I should look at to find answers: within my own mind.

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