Saturday 21 November 2015

Success is hard work are failures

Success is Hard Work, But So Is Failure
by Ryan Puusaari in Achievement, Motivation & Inspiration, Success Principles

“Some people dream of success . . . while others wake up and work hard at it.”

Every action has consequences. Likewise, non-action also has its own set of consequences. While it may seem to be the path of less resistance to refrain from working toward your goals, it is an illusion. It may seem easier to sit around whining about your bad luck while you envy what others have.

You may think that you are traveling the easiest path while you seek shortcuts and avoid the “big risks,” but all those things that you fail to do will come back to haunt you later. See, what you do not realize is that you are working just as hard at failure or maintaining the status-quo as you would be working toward success.

Consider for a moment all that you do (or don’t do for that matter!) and the amount of energy that you afford those actions. Either put forth the effort or you resist it. You leave your mark on everything that you do. Think of it as an investment in your energy. If you continue to avoid things that are too scary or difficult, you are investing your energy in non commitment and resistance, neither of which are productive pursuits.

When you fail to invest your energy into your success, you are destined to follow a path of failure. True, it takes a great deal of hard work to continue to resist taking the actions that will put you where you want to be in your life. It takes a lot of energy to keep coming up with excuses for why you are not doing the things that you want to do.

It takes a lot of effort to keep seeking excuses and reasons beyond your own shortcomings and inhibitions to blame for your lack of progress. It likely takes a lot of time and energy to convince others that you are an innocent victim of circumstance.

Your excuses are nonsense. Think about it. Wouldn’t it be easier to go ahead and do the things that you want to do? Wouldn’t it be easier to stop wasting your precious time and energy on making excuses and instead direct it to getting to work on making success happen for you? It may seem scary to go about it in this manner, but it will pay off in the long run.

At the very least you will not have to contend with lackluster results and negative consequences that stem from failing to pursue the things that you want in life. Once you realize that you already direct your energy toward something, albeit unproductive and stagnant, wouldn’t it be more prudent to redirect that energy to make the life that you want? If may seem more difficult at first than your present state of avoidance, but it is far more gratifying in the end.

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