Saturday 21 November 2015

Positive Struggle

When I was thirteen my mom told my family that she had to tell us something. So my brother, dad, sister and I all sat down on the big chunky green sofa downstairs to begin the discussion. You could tell by the tense feel of the room that something was wrong. Then my mom began to speak and she told us that she has been diagnosed with breast cancer. That is when we all had a moment of sorrow and broke down and cried.

After that my mom had to travel to the hospital every day and she started chemo therapy. After a week or so of therapy she began to lose her hair and so she decided to shave it all off. My mom would always wear bright coloured scarfs and after a while decided to purchase a blond wig. Along with losing her hair she lost all her finger and toe nails, eye brows and eye lashes.

I remember there was a time when I went with my mom to the hospital. We were waiting in the waiting room for my mom to get her blood transfusion. When we were waiting we played hangman and tick-tack toe. Then we both burst out laughing our heads off non stop. Every one in the room was so down and here we were in the middle of the room laughing and we didn't care what people thought of us.

After about a year of chemo, blood transfusions, and pain, my mom said she had to tell us all something exciting. This time we were all seated at out dinner table. As my mom was about to tell us something a smile formed on her face and at that moment I knew that it was going to be something very exciting. She told us that she no longer has breast cancer and that she is now in remission!! At that moment I broke down in tears. But the tears that I shed were not tears of pain or sorrow, they were tears of pure joy and happiness. At that moment for the first time in a very long time I had a feeling that everything was going to be fine.

Now my mom is going on two years of remission, free of breast cancer. I am so happy that I have my mom with me today to be with me every step of the way. My mom taught me to cherish every moment you have and to remain positive through thick or thin. My mom is a very positive, strong kind person... she has taught me so much and continues to teach me more.

From this day on I have learned that I should cherish every moment I have, especially with my family :). I am so lucky to have my mom by my side.

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