Saturday 21 November 2015

My vehicle runs on Sweat.

That place had no taxi nor auto providing transport for short distances. One had to take to the 'cycle rickshaw'.

I called out for that old man in the waiting line and even as I hopped in, enquired how much he would charge to take me across to the Mall (about 2-3 kms away).

He said '10 bucks'. The middle class mentality got the better of me and I started bargaining and he just gave a hard smile and said "whatever you feel like please give me, I feel bad to bargain on this small amount".

I was a bit ashamed at myself and kept quiet while he continued.

"Unlike those taxis or autos my vehicle does not run on petrol or diesel or even gas, it runs on my sweat and no association or even government comes to help to decide what I can charge per kilometer.

So I do not have a meter or a rate card, whatever, you feel like, give me and please give it to me with a smile for this money has to feed so many hungry mouths at home."

I could sense his panting for breath even as he was pedaling the cycle which slowed down his speed of conversation considerably.

I felt sorry for him as we reached the Mall and I got down. I gave him the money with a smile as requested and on my part just added a gentle pat on his back.

He smiled back as if to give me a receipt and I am sure I am going to preserve his smile for a long time.

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